Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Computing Project Essays
Computing Project Essays Computing Project Essay Computing Project Essay I came up with my project idea through a problem my friend, a shop clerk, who runs a DVD rental shop, had faced. He used to rent out DVDs to his registered customers for the price of à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½1.50 for old DVDs and à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½3.00 for DVDs which are pretty new but the problem was that he had to do everything without a computer system which made his job quite difficult for him. So I have decided to make a system for his video rental shop as my project which would make it easier for him. The general environment is him behind a counter surrounded by loads of DVDs so he is the only person who works in the shop, there is no staff but sometimes when required, he may get someone to cover for him if needed. The current system in operation works by a customer registering with the rental shop first they then receive their unique membership number which they then quote every time they want to rent a DVD out and then pay the rental price for that DVD. The shop clerk then looks for this membership number through a file which contains all the registered customers and their membership numbers, arranged in order from smallest to biggest and every time a new customer registers they get the next available membership number with in the file. The problem with the current system is that everything is done manually which is really time consuming and may get much difficult to maintain when and if the total number of members for that shop exceeds over 500, as looking for the membership numbers through a list of over 500 can take along time to find. For a solution to this problem I am aiming to come up with a system which will try to reduce the amount of time being spent while dealing with rentals and come up with a computerised system. I will transfer all the registered customers who are already registered with the shop to one single table first and then transfer all the DVDs which are available to rent at the shop to another separate table each with its own unique DVD ID. The shop clerks shop is open from 9 in the morning till 6 in the afternoon with no staff, just him. The problem is tackled now by the shop clerk just taking the orders and writing it down in a file he has with all the people who have registered with his shop, each having their own membership number. For example if a customer came into the shop and wanted to borrow a DVD, the customer would give the shop clerk their membership number, which then the shop clerk would search for this number in his file and write down the title of the DVD that has been borrowed into the file and take the money off the customer. A computer system can be used to completely computerise the system and reduce the time needed by having all the people who have registered with the shop in a single database with all their unique membership numbers. It could also allow the clerk to carry out other functions such as see which loans are overdue by the click of a button and print this out and target those people for repayment. The shop clerk will be able to answer any sort of questions I have which will help me in my project. 2. Identification of prospective users The computer system is going to be used by the shop clerk, who needs access to all the facilities, and mostly it will be only him who is going to be using it but sometimes when he has to take time off for a reason someone else may be using it. The shop clerk is computer literate but will require a bit of training before using the actual system. 3. User needs and acceptable limitations The shop clerk would like the system to: * Have some sort of security so I will be placing a username and password as security * He also wants it to allow him to register and update customers details with the shop * He also wants it to allow him to assign rented DVDs to people who have borrowed them * He would like to display the DVDs which havent been rented out when someone wants to rent out a DVD * The system must also print out a receipt for the customer * He also wants the system to allow him to add newly available DVDs to the existing selection * He also wants the system to be able to gather loans which are overdue and be able to print the list out * The system must allow the user to see which DVDs have been rented out and which havent * The system must be able to work out how much money the rental shop has made. The limitations would be that 4. Data Sources and Destinations * The shop clerk will type his username and password in to the system to access it. * When a customer is registering the details e.g. names, telephone number, address etc will come from the customer. This will be received in a paper form. * The DVDs will be obtained from the shop itself and its details will be entered into the system by the shop clerk/user. 5. Data Flow Diagram (Current System) (Proposed System) 6. Data Dictionary (Loans) Name Data Type Length Validation Example Data Comment Membership Number String Variable Must only be numbers 1658 Unique identifier of a registered customer DVD ID String Must only be numbers 125 Unique to every film Date Borrowed Date 10 characters 11/02/2005 The date a DVD was borrowed Due Date Date 10 characters 16/02/2005 The date a DVD is Due back Rental cost 5 characters à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½2.00 The price of renting a DVD Data Dictionary (Members) Name Data Type Length Validation Example Data Comment Title String 5 Characters Max Must Only Contain Letters Mr The title of a member Forename String 15 Characters Max Must Only Contain Letters John The forename of a member Surname String 15 Characters Max Must Only Contain Letters Smith The surname of a member Address 5 Lines Max 84 Lambert avenue etc The address of a member Telephone Number String 15 Characters Max Must only be numbers 0161 543 6789 The telephone number of a member Date Joined Date 10 characters Must only be numbers 05/06/2004 The date a member joined Additional Notes String 10 characters Any other additional notes that are needed on the member Data Dictionary (Films) Name Data Type Length Validation Example Data Comment Film Title The Matrix The name of the DVD Film Genre String 20 Characters Max Must only Contain letters Horror The genre of the film Length String 5 Characters 01.30 How long the film lasts for Age Certificate 2 Characters Must only Contain numbers 12 The minimum age you have to be to watch a film DVD ID String Variable Must only Contain numbers 126 The ID of the DVD which is specific to every DVD Price Currency Max 3 char Must only be numbers à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½1.50 The price charged for the loan Data Dictionary (Usernames and Passwords) Name Data Type Length Validation Example Data Comment DVD ID Number Variable Must only be a number 5 The ID of the DVD which is specific to every DVD movie Member ID Number Variable Must only be a number 12 7. E-R model for the existing system 8. Objectives of the project The project aims are: * The system must be user friendly and easy to figure out how to use it. * The system must have some sort of security and only valid users can log on * The system must be able to register and update customers details with the shop and should give them a unique membership ID in the process which can be used by the rental shop to identify the member * The system must be able to add new DVDs to the existing catalogue and should also give each DVD a unique DVD ID * The system must assign A Copy Id to each DVD cause there be more than one copy of the same DVD * The system must allow the user to see which DVDs have been rented out and which havent * The system must be able to assign rented DVDs to people who have borrowed them * The system must also print out a receipt for the customer * The system must also be able gather a list of all loans which are overdue and be able to print this list out * The system must be able to work out how much money the rental shop has made. Design 1. Overall system design This system will work by the user logging into the system to have access to it. The log in process will consist of a username and a password which will act as a security feature which the user had wanted so only authorised users can log in but before the user can log in to the system he must setup a username and a password. Once logged in the user will be able to register new customers with the shop. The shop clerk/user will give a form to the customer to fill in and return to him so that he can fill in the details into the system which will be stored in the Members Table and the system will then also generate and assign a member id for the new member. The member table will contain the entire customers which are registered with the shop. When one of the customers wants to rent out a DVD, the user has to make sure that DVD is available to rent out so what I am going to do in this system is that I will not be displaying any DVDs which are already rented out but only those which arent rented out will be displayed so that the user can only choose from a list of only those DVDs which arent rented out to prevent him from renting out a DVD which isnt available. The shop clerk will then go into the stock room and obtain that DVD and give it to the customer he will then create a record in the Loans table which will contain the member ID, Copy Number, the date borrowed, the return date and the rental cost. After this has been done the system will generate a receipt The system will also be able to return DVDs. When the customer returns to the shop to return the DVD he or she borrowed he will have to quote his or her membership together with the ID of the DVD they borrowed. The user will then be able to search through a list of all the records within the Loans table and delete that record. The system will also allow the shop clerk/user to add new DVDs to the existing selection. This will be done by the user manually entering the description of the DVD such as title, genre etc into a table called the films table using a keyboard. This system will also be able to come up with a list of all the loans which have been overdue so that the shop clerk can target those people for a fine upon returning the DVD which was really difficult to do when he was using a manual system as he had to go through the whole file. This will be done by coming up with a sequence of SQL which will be designed to search through the rentals table and retrieve those records which are more than 2 days over the date of borrowing the DVDs. This list of overdue loans can then be printed out by the user. Systems Flow Chart Diagram Registering Customers Adding New DVDs Renting Out A DVD Returning A DVD 2. Modular structure of system (Top Down Design) Membership Form The member ship form will be used by the user to register new members with the shop. The data entered will be stored in the Members Table It will also allow the user/clerk to edit or update the data of the members if necessary. Add New DVD Form The DVD form will allow the user to add DVDs to the existing catalogue by entering information such ass genre, title, Length etc This form will also allow the user to edit the information about the DVDs as well. Rent Out a DVD Form This form will allow the user to rent out a DVD to a certain member. Overdue Loans Form This form will allow the user to gather a list of all the loans which are overdue so that he can print them out and target those members for repayment. 3. Design Data Dictionary * ER Diagram Member can rent Film has one many times or many copies * Data Dictionary Table: Members Field Name Data Type Length Validation Example Data Comment MemberId String Must be numeric 4 This is the primary key Uniquely identifies a member Title String 5 Characters Max Must only be letters Mr The title of a member Forename String 15 Characters Max Must Only Contain Letters John The forename of a member Surname String 15 Characters Max Must Only Contain Letters Smith The surname of a member AddressLine1 String Must Only Contain Letters 14 Slade St Where the member lives. AddressLine2 String Must Only Contain Letters longsight AddressLine3 String Must Only Contain Letters Manchester AddressLine4 String Must contain both letters and numbers M15 0QJ TelNumber String 15 Characters Max Must only be numbers 0161 256 7654 The telephone number of a member DateJoined Date 10 characters Must only be numbers 10/09/2010 The date a member joined the club Additional Notes String 10 characters Any other additional notes that are needed on the member This table will contain all the members which have joined with the rental shop. It will be accessed using the primary key, MemberId. All new records will be placed at the end of the table. Table: Films Field Name Data Type Length Validation Example Data Comment DVDId String Variable Must only Contain numbers 126 The ID of the DVD which is specific to every DVD movie FilmTitle String Variable The Matrix The name of the DVD Film Genre String 20 Characters Max Must only Contain letters Horror The genre of the film Length String 5 Characters 01.30 How long the film lasts for AgeCertificate 4 Characters Max 12 The minimum age you have to be to watch a DVD film This table will contain all the DVDs which the rental shop contains. It will be accessed using the DVD ID which is the primary key. New DVDs can be added to the table which will be placed at the bottom of the table. Table: Loans Field Name Data Type Length Validation Example Data Comment Member ID Number Variable Must only be a number 12 DVD ID Number Variable Must only be a number 5 The ID of the DVD which is specific to every DVD movie Date Borrowed Date Max 10 Char 12/05/2005 The date a DVD was Borrowed DateBack Date Max 10 Char 16/14/2005 The date a DVD needs to be returned by LoanID Number Variable Must only be a number 6 The ID of a rental for a DVD Price Currency 6 Char Must only be a number à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½1.50 The price for renting a DVD This table will contain all the records of those members who have rented out a DVD. Once the DVD is returned that specific record will be deleted off this table. Table: Usernames And Passwords Field Name Data Type Length Validation Example Data Comment Member ID Number Variable Must only be a number 12 DVD ID Number Variable Must only be a number 5 The ID of the DVD which is specific to every DVD movie This table will contain all the usernames and passwords which will allow the user to enter into the system. 4. Storage media and format The media I intend to use to store my programs on is a CD-ROM disc. I dont need all the capacity of a CD-ROM but I intend to use this rather than a Floppy disc is because the programs wont be able to get deleted accidentally or maliciously on CD but with a floppy disc this is possible but then a gain a CD may get scratched up making the data within it unreadable. I will use a CD burner to burn my system to a CD-R using burning software. Once the system has been burned to CD-R this will make it read only meaning the system can not be delete or either written over All the databases will also need to be backed up to ensure that no data is accidentally lost or deliberately tampered with. All data will be backed up onto a CD every week and this disc will be kept in a safe place. Details of how to backup the data will be provided to the user. The program will be saved onto the hard drive so that the user doesnt have to load the CD every time he wants to use the program which is better off. 5. Identification of processes and algorithms for data transformation Login button on the Login Form: Begin If EdUsername.text = [Username] Then Begin If Edpassword.text = [Password] Then Begin; End Else Showmessage (Please enter a correct password) End Else Showmesage (Only Login If you are authorised to) This algorithm is used to login into the system. Rent Out Button begin; if adoloans.locate(dvdid,strtoint(DBEdit1.text),[]) then showmessage(Already on loan) else begin xmem:= strtoint(dblkcbxmembers.text); adoqtoomany.Parameters[0].value:=xmem; adoqtoomany.Open; if ADOQtoomany.recordcount;=3 then showmessage (You Can Only Borrow A Maximum of 3 DVDs) end; This algorithm will be used to draw up and display messages if a member is trying to borrow more than 3 DVDs or the DVD he or she wants to borrow is already on loan. SQL SELECT [Loans Table].MemberID, [Loans Table].DVDId, [Films Table].FilmTitle, [Loans Table].DateBorrowed, [Loans Table].DateBack, [Loans Table].LoanID, [Loans Table].Price FROM [Members Table] INNER JOIN ([Films Table] INNER JOIN [Loans Table] ON [Films Table].DVDId = [Loans Table].DVDId) ON [Members Table].MemberId = [Loans Table].MemberID WHERE ((([Loans Table].DateBack);Date())); This SQL sequence will be used to gather a list of all the overdue loans. 6. User Interface Design My user interface will menu driven based. The menus will be accessed using buttons placed on forms with a label on each to indicate which button corresponds to which form. The forms displayed, selected from the main menu will have titles on them to identify them. The forms will not be cluttered and the layout of the buttons must be suitable so that there are spaces and blanks. Items must be placed in a logical way in order to make it easier for the user and to make it look nice. The forms will have to be coloured so that they look good. The font, colour size and style must be selected in a way which makes it easy to read for the user. The button which links back to the main menu must be located in a common position on all forms which will make it easier for the user to remember recognise where a common button is. Textboxes, command buttons, labels, frames, should all be sized oppositely so that it is easier for the user to distinguish what each text says and be able to enter or click on the correct prompt. Help facilities should be placed wherever required as the user is semi computer literate so hints would be useful. The Forms Will Look Like This: Setting up a Username and Password Form This is the Setting up a Username and Password Form. This is where the user will create a new username and a password which he or she will use to enter the system. The username and password will be saved in a table called the Usernames and Passwords table. Login Form This is the main menu form which will allow the user to access the other forms. Main Menu Form This is the main menu form which will allow the user to access the other forms. Register A Member Form This is the form which the user will use to register a member with the shop. Add New DVDs Form This form will be used by the user to add DVDs to the catalogue Rent Out A DVD Form This form will be used by the user to rent out a DVD to a member and a record will be created in the loans table identifying who has rented what DVD out. Return DVD Form This form will be used by the user when a member wants to return a DVD. When a DVD is returned the record is deleted off the loans table. Overdue Loans Form This form will be used by the user to generate a list of all the members who have not yet returned their DVD back to the shop. 7. Security and Integrity Plan I will try to keep the data as accurate as possible by using validation check and input masks.. I will implement a security feature on the Login Form which requires the correct username and password to prevent unauthorised access to the system. The validation check will be performed into the Login button on the login form so that the validity of the username and password can be checked. This will limit the chance of invalid access to the system. So if an incorrect username or password has been entered an error message will pop up telling the user that the username and password is incorrect and to re-enter it correctly. I will also use combo boxes where I think data doesnt really need to be typed into the system manually by the user but can be selected from a list to prevent anything inappropriate from being entered into the system which will help in increasing the integrity of the data entered.. I will also use input masks for things like the post code or telephone of a member as there all the post codes and telephone numbers are in one standard form for all members so this will also improve integrity. The measures I am putting in place to prevent data loss or corruption is that I will be outlining to the user to make regular backups so that if in any circumstance the data becomes corrupt or lost he can retrieve the data from a backup. I will also outline to the user that backups should be made everyday Details of how to carry out backing up of data will be given to the user as well. 8. System Security (access control) To prevent unauthorised access to the system I will provide a security feature which consists of a username and password. The user will first have to setup a username and password which once setup can be used to access the system. The pitfalls of this is that the login system will not have a limit on the number or passwords and usernames entered meaning that an unauthorised person may guess the username and password and enter the system. The system has no way off knowing whether the user who has logged on is the person who is really authorised to use this system or not. An alternative method could be to use biometric recognition but implementing this requires a lot of money and may be time-consuming. 8. Test strategy Once the system has finished I will test it in a methodological and structural way to make sure all process, buttons etc work correctly and efficiently. I will use testing The order in which I will test the system is as follows: Setup Username and Password Form I will ensure that the button for saving the Username and password works and that they get saved to the Usernames and Paswords table. Login Form I will ensure that only authorised users can log in and that if an incorrect username or password is entered the person can not log in without re-entering the correct username or password. Register A Member Form I will ensure that the details of the new member are saved to the table and that the input masks and combo boxes work as they should. I will also test the delete button for removing a member. Add New DVDs Form I will test the buttons for adding the details of the DVD to see if they are added to the table. I will test whether or not the same DVD can be added again. I will also test whether the delete button. Rent Out A DVD Form I will test whether the detail of the member who is renting the DVD is saved to the table and if a receipt can be printed out. I will also test whether a message pops if the DVD wanted is already on loan or not. Also I will test whether the system detects if that member has borrowed more than 3 DVDs. I will also test whether only DVDs that are not on loan are displayed. I will also test the buttons on that form. Returning A DVD I am going to test the buttons on this form and whether a record can be deleted using the delete button. I will also test whether the combo box displays only the lists off the members who are listed in the rentals table. Loans Overdue Form I will test whether the button for retrieving the list of all the overdue loans works and whether this can be printed. Testing Form Description of test Test Data Used Expected outcome Actual Outcome Page of Report 1 Username and Password Form Setting up a username and password Admin662 Xaverian Username and Password Saved As expected 2 Username and Password Form Username and Password fields left blank No Username No Password Error message should pop up As expected 3 Login Form When an authorised user logs on Admin662 Xaverian Main menu should open up As expected 4 Login Form When a invalid username and an invalid password is entered No Username No Password Error message should pop up As expected 5 Login Form When a valid username and an invalid password is entered Admin662 No Password Error message should pop up As expected 6 Login Form When a invalid username and a valid password is entered John Xaverian Error message should pop up As expected 7 Main Menu Check all links Correct forms open up As expected 8 Register a Member Registering a Member Details of that member should be saved, Confirmation message should pop up. As expected 9 Register a Member Title left blank but rest of the fields are not No Title An error message should pop up As Expected 10 Register a Member Forename left blank but rest of the fields are not No Forename An error message should pop up As Expected 11 Register a Member Surname left blank but rest of the fields are not No Surname An error message should pop up As Expected 12 Register a Member House Number left blank but rest of the fields are not No House Number An error message should pop up As Expected 13 Register a Member Street Name left blank but rest of the fields are not No Street Name An error message should pop up As Expected 14 Register a Member Town left blank but rest of the fields are not No Town An error message should pop up As Expected 15 Register a Member Post Code left blank but rest of the fields are not No Post Code An error message should pop up As Expected 16 Register a Member Tel No left blank but rest of the fields are not No Tel no An error message should pop up As Expected Register a Member Deleting a Member from the table A confirmation message pops up and deletes member As Expected Add DVDs Adding a DVD to the selection of DVDs available DVD is added to the selection. Confirmation message should pop up As expected Add DVDs Film Title Left blank but rest of Them Have not The Matrix Rest left Blank An error message should pop up As Expected Add DVDs Price Per Day field Left Blank and rest have not à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½3 Rest left Blank And Error message should pop up As expected Add DVDs When the same Film Is added twice An error message should pop up As expected 22 Form Description of test Test Data Used Expected outcome Actual Outcome Page of Report 23 Add DVDs Removing A DVD DVD should be deleted from the table As expected 24 Rent Out A DVD Renting Out A DVD to A Member DVD is rented out and added to the loans table As expected 25 Rent Out A DVD When a member is not selected but the rest of the fields have data entered in them And error message should pop up As expected 26 Rent Out A DVD When a DVD is not selected but the rest of the fields have data entered in them And error message should pop up As expected 27 Rent Out A DVD When a Price for a DVD is left blank but the rest of the fields have data entered in them And error message should pop up As expected 28 Rent Out A DVD When A Member is trying to rent out more than 3 DVDs And error message should pop up As Expected 29 Rent Out A DVD Renting out a DVD that is already on loan And error message should pop up As Expected 30 Rent Out A DVD Printing the receipt A confirmation message pops up As Expected 31 Returning A DVD Returning A DVD A confirmation message should pop up and the record should be deleted As Expected 32 Returning A DVD When a member has not been selected An error message should pop up As Expected 33 Loans Overdue Testing whether the button to activate a query works. A confirmation message should pop up and a list of all the overdue loans should be listed As expected 34 Loans Testing whether the overdue loans list prints out A confirmation message should pop up and the overdue loans list should print out. As expected 35 Register A Member Testing whether the input masks work The input mask should only accept the data in the format its setup to accept A As expected System maintenance 1. System Overview This is a DVD Rental System which is used by a user who owns a DVD renting shop. Though a username and password facility the user/shop clerk is able register members to the shop giving them the opportunity to rent DVDs from his shop. It also allows the user to add DVDs to the selection of DVDs that he already has. It also allows the user to assign DVDs to people who have rented them and also allows him to gain a list of all the members who have borrowed a DVD and have not returned them on time. Using the programming software Delphi allowed me to use some of its ADO components which allowed me to link my system to a database in access. The tables this system uses are the: * Members Table Contains all the members who are registered with the shop * Films Table Contains a list of all the DVDs available to rent at the shop * Loans Table Contains a list of all the members who have rented out DVDs * Usernames and Passwords Table Contains a list of all the usernames and passwords that can be used to access the system. 2. Brief summary of features used Some of the components of Delphi I used were: ADO table Function This component allowed me to link a specific table in a database in Access to Delphi, which then allowed me to enter details into edit boxes on Delphi which then automatically updated in the tables in Access. ADO Query Function This function allowed me to create a query in Access and then allowed me to enter the SQL statement into this component and then displayed the results of this query in Delphi. I made a connection string to my Access database, selected the table I wanted to query, and then I wrote the SQL statement. DB Grid Function This function allowed me to display a table in a database in Access in Delphi. DB Combo Box Function This function allowed me to list the data of an Access table in the form of a combo box. All the properties of these above components were set using the object inspector below: Debugging Function When there was a syntax error I used the debugging facility to help me fix the error. The Access tables which I used were the: Members Table (Design View) Films Table (Design View) Loans Table (Deign View) Usernames and Passwords Table (Design View) 3. Details of SQL Used Overdue Loans Query SELECT [Loans Table].MemberID, [Loans Table].DVDId, [Films Table].FilmTitle, [Loans Table].DateBorrowed, [Loans Table].DateBack, [Loans Table].LoanID, [Loans Table].Price FROM [Members Table] INNER JOIN ([Films Table] INNER JOIN [Loans Table] ON [Films Table].DVDId = [Loans Table].DVDId) ON [Members Table].MemberId = [Loans Table].MemberID WHERE ((([Loans Table].DateBack);Date())); This query was used to gather a list of all the loans which are overdue. This is present on the Overdue Loans Form below on this ADO Query component. 4. Sample of detailed Algorithm Design Setting Up Username and Password procedure TFMSetupUserandPass.BtnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); begin//begin if//if (EdUsername.text=) and (edPassword.text=) then//the text in edusername and edpassword is blank then Begin//begin showmessage(Please Enter A Username And A password)//show message please enter a username and password end//end else//otherwise begin//begin ADOuandpsetup.append; ADOuandpsetup [username]:=EdUsername.text;//take the text in edusername and place into the field called username in an access table ADOuandpsetup [Password]:=EdPassword.text take the text in edpasssword and place into the field called password in an access table;//send the text Showmessage (Your Username and Password has Been Saved);//showmessage username and password saved end; end; end. Adding a DVD to a Table procedure TFmAddNewDvd.BtnAddDvdsClick(Sender: TObject); var FmAddNewDvd: TFmAddNewDvd; DVDid:integer; Begin//begin if adofilms.recordcount=0 then//if the number of records in adofilms is 0 then dvdid:=0//give the DVDID as 0 else//otherwise begin//begin adofilms.Open;//open adofilms adofilms.last; dvdid:=adofilms[dvdid];// insert the value of the variable dvdid into the field DVDID in the access table end; DVDid:=DVDid+1;//add 1 to whatever value the variable DVDID is ADOFilms.Append; ADOFilms [DVDId]:=DVDid;//insert the value of the variable dvdid into the field DVDID in the access table ADOFilms [filmtitle]:=LblEdFilmTitle.Text;//whatever is in the field lbledfilmtitle insert this into the field filmtitle in the access table ADOFilms [genre]:=CBgenre.Text; whatever is in the field cbgenre insert this into the field genre in the access table ADOFilms [Length]:=lbledLength.Text; whatever is in the field lbledlength insert this into the field length in the access table ADOFilms [AgeCertificate]:=CBAgeCert.Text; whatever is in the field cbagecert insert this into the field agecertificate in the access table ADOFilms [priceperday]:=LblEdPricePerDay.Text; whatever is in the field lbledpriceperday insert this into the field priceperday in the access table;//send this to the table showmessage (DVD Has Been Added To The Selection)//show this message end; end;//end end; 5. Procedures and Variables List Procedures Setting Up Username And Password Form procedure TFMSetupUserandPass.BtnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); This button is used to save the new username and password the user has selected to the usernames and passwords table. Login Form procedure TFMLogin.BtnLoginClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure is used by the user to login to the system and gain access to the main menu Main MenuForm procedure TFmMenu.BtnRegAMemClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure diplays the Regester A Member Form procedure TFmMenu.BtnAddDVDClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure displays the Add DVD Form procedure TFmMenu.BtnRntDVDClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure displays the Rent Out A DVD Form procedure TFmMenu.BtnReturnDvdClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure displays the Return DVD Form procedure TFmMenu.BtnLoansOverdueClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure displays the Loans Overdue Form Register A Member Form procedure TFmRegAMem.BtnNewMemberClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure adds the details of a new member to the Members Table procedure TFmRegAMem.BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure closes the form and returns back to the main menu Add New DVDs Form procedure TFmAddNewDvd.BtnAddDvdsClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure adds the details of a DVD to the Films Table procedure BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure exits the form and returns back to the manin menu form. Rent Out A DVD Form procedure TFMRentOutaDVD.BtnClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure adds a record to the loans table outlining who has rented which DVD and at what price. procedure TFMRentOutaDVD.BtnPrintClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure is to print out a recipet after a customer has rented out a DVD procedure TFMRentOutaDVD.BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure is to exit the form and return back to the main menu. Return DVD Form procedure TFmReturnedDvds.BtnRentClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure retrns the DVD and deletes the record in the Loans Table procedure TFmReturnedDvds.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); This procedure closes the form and returns back to the main menu form procedure TFmReturnedDvds.dblkcbxmembersClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure Overdue Loans Form procedure TFmLoansOverdue.BtnActivateQueryClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure actvates the query to gather all the loans which are overdue. procedure TFmLoansOverdue.BtnPrintClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure is to print out the overdue loans list procedure TFmLoansOverdue.BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); This procedure is to exit the form and return back to the main menu. Variables List Register a Member Form Variable Global/Local MemberID Local Add New DVD Form Variable Global/Local DVDID Local Rent Out a DVD Form Variable Global/Local Xmem Local dpmm Local Return DVD Form Variable Global/Local Xmem Local Overdue Loans Form Variable Global/Local dpmm Local row Local Annotated Listing of Program Code unit USetupUserAndPass; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, DB, ADODB; type TFMSetupUserandPass = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; EdUsername: TEdit; EdPassword: TEdit; BtnSave: TButton; ADOuandpsetup: TADOTable; DSuandpsetup: TDataSource; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; procedure BtnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var FMSetupUserandPass: TFMSetupUserandPass; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TFMSetupUserandPass.BtnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); begin//begin if//if (EdUsername.text=) and (edPassword.text=) then//the text in edusername and edpassword is blank then Begin//begin showmessage(Please Enter A Username And A password)//show message please enter a username and password end//end else//otherwise begin//begin ADOuandpsetup.append; ADOuandpsetup [username]:=EdUsername.text;//take the text in edusername and place into the field called username in an access table ADOuandpsetup [Password]:=EdPassword.text take the text in edpasssword and place into the field called password in an access table;//send the text Showmessage (Your Username and Password has Been Saved);//showmessage username and password saved end; end; end. unit Ulogin; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, DB, ADODB; type TFMLogin = class(TForm) EdUserName: TEdit; EdPass: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Btnlogin: TButton; ADOuandpsetup: TADOTable; DSuandpsetup: TDataSource; procedure BtnLoginClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var FMLogin: TFMLogin; implementation uses Umenu; {$R *.dfm} procedure TFMLogin.BtnLoginClick(Sender: TObject); begin ADOUandPSetup.Open;//open the adouandpsetup if ADOUandPSetup.locate(username,(edusername.text),[]) and //if the contents of the field in the edusername is identical to that in the usernames and password table in the field named usernames and ADOUandPSetup.locate(password,(edpass.text),[])// if the contents of the field in the edpassword is identical to that in the usernames and password table named the field password Then//then Begin//begin showmessage (You Have Logged In Successfully);//show this message show this form end else//otherwise showmessage (You Have Either Entered and Inavalid Username And Password or Are Not Authorised to Use this System) //show this message end;//end end. unit Umenu; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TFmMenu = class(TForm) BtnRegAMem: TButton; BtnRntDVD: TButton; BtnAddDVD: TButton; Label1: TLabel; BtnExt: TButton; BtnReturnDvd: TButton; BtnLoansOverdue: TButton; Image1: TImage; BtnLogin: TButton; BtnSetupUandP: TButton; procedure BtnSetupUandPClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnLoginClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnExtClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnRegAMemClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnRntDVDClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnAddDVDClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnCreateReportClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnReturnDvdClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnLoansOverdueClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var FmMenu: TFmMenu; implementation uses URegisterMember, UAddNewDVD, UCreateAReport, URentOutaDVD, UReturnedDVDs, ULoansOverdue, Ulogin, USetupUserAndPass; {$R *.dfm} procedure TFmMenu.BtnExtClick(Sender: TObject); begin close; end; procedure TFmMenu.BtnRegAMemClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TFmMenu.BtnRntDVDClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TFmMenu.BtnAddDVDClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TFmMenu.BtnCreateReportClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TFmMenu.BtnReturnDvdClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure TFmMenu.BtnLoansOverdueClick(Sender: TObject); begin; end; procedure TFmMenu.BtnLoginClick(Sender: TObject); begin; end; procedure TFmMenu.BtnSetupUandPClick(Sender: TObject); begin; end; end. unit URegisterMember; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, DB, ADODB, DBCtrls, Mask; type TFmRegAMem = class(TForm) ADOMembers: TADOTable; DSMembers: TDataSource; DBMembers: TDBGrid; LblEdForename: TLabeledEdit; LblEdSurname: TLabeledEdit; LblEdHouseNumber: TLabeledEdit; LblEdStreetName: TLabeledEdit; LblEdTown: TLabeledEdit; LblEdAddNotes: TLabeledEdit; BtnNewMember: TButton; DBNavigator2: TDBNavigator; Label1: TLabel; Button1: TButton; CBTitle: TComboBox; Label2: TLabel; LblEdPostCode: TMaskEdit; Label4: TLabel; LbledTelno: TMaskEdit; Label3: TLabel; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnNewMemberClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var FmRegAMem: TFmRegAMem; memberid:integer; implementation uses Umenu; {$R *.dfm} procedure TFmRegAMem.BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TFmRegAMem.BtnNewMemberClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (cbtitle.Text=) then//if what is in cbtitle is blank then begin showmessage(Please Enter A Title)// show message please select a title end; if (LblEdforename.Text=) then//the below code is similar to what I have written above begin showmessage(Please Enter A Forename) end; if (lbledSurname.Text=) then begin showmessage(Please Enter A Surname) end; if (lbledhousenumber.Text=) then begin showmessage(Please Enter A House Number) end; if (lbledStreetName.Text=) then begin showmessage(Please Enter A Street Name) end; if (lbledtown.Text=) then begin showmessage(Please Enter A Town) end; if (lbledpostcode.Text=) then begin showmessage(Please Enter A PostCode) end; if (lbledtelno.Text=) then begin showmessage(Please Enter A Telephone Number) end else begin begin if adomembers.recordcount=0 then memberid:=0 else begin; adomembers.last; memberid:=adomembers[memberid] end; memberid:=memberid+1;//add 1 to whatecer memberid is ADOMembers.Append;//append the access table called members ADOMembers [memberId]:=memberid; ADOMembers [title]:=cbtitle.text;//whatever is in cbtitle, place that in the title field in the members table ADOMembers [forename]:=LblEdforename.Text;//all the below code is similar to what I have written above ADOMembers [surname]:=lbledSurname.Text; ADOMembers [house number]:=lbledhousenumber.Text; ADOMembers [street name]:=lbledstreetname.Text; ADOMembers [Town]:=lbledtown.Text; ADOMembers [Tel number]:=LbledTelno.Text; Adomembers [Date Joined]:=date; ADOMembers [Post Code]:=lbledpostcode.Text; ADOMembers [Additional Notes]:=lbledaddnotes.Text; showmessage (Member Has Been Added);; end; end; end; procedure TFmRegAMem.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin;//show this form end; end. unit UAddNewDVD; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, DB, ADODB, DBCtrls; type TFmAddNewDvd = class(TForm) DSFilms: TDataSource; ADOFilms: TADOTable; DBFilms: TDBGrid; LblEdFilmTitle: TLabeledEdit; LblEdLength: TLabeledEdit; CBGenre: TComboBox; CBAgeCert: TComboBox; BtnAddDvds: TButton; BtnExit: TButton; DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator; LblEdPricePerDay: TLabeledEdit; Label1: TLabel; procedure BtnAddDvdsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var FmAddNewDvd: TFmAddNewDvd; DVDid:integer; implementation uses Umenu; {$R *.dfm} procedure TFmAddNewDvd.BtnAddDvdsClick(Sender: TObject); var FmAddNewDvd: TFmAddNewDvd; DVDid:integer; Begin//begin if adofilms.recordcount=0 then//if the number of records in adofilms is 0 then dvdid:=0//give the DVDID as 0 else//otherwise begin//begin adofilms.Open;//open adofilms adofilms.last; dvdid:=adofilms[dvdid];// insert the value of the variable dvdid into the field DVDID in the access table end; DVDid:=DVDid+1;//add 1 to whatever value the variable DVDID is ADOFilms.Append; ADOFilms [DVDId]:=DVDid;//insert the value of the variable dvdid into the field DVDID in the access table ADOFilms [filmtitle]:=LblEdFilmTitle.Text;//whatever is in the field lbledfilmtitle insert this into the field filmtitle in the access table ADOFilms [genre]:=CBgenre.Text; whatever is in the field cbgenre insert this into the field genre in the access table ADOFilms [Length]:=lbledLength.Text; whatever is in the field lbledlength insert this into the field length in the access table ADOFilms [AgeCertificate]:=CBAgeCert.Text; whatever is in the field cbagecert insert this into the field agecertificate in the access table ADOFilms [priceperday]:=LblEdPricePerDay.Text; whatever is in the field lbledpriceperday insert this into the field priceperday in the access table;//send this to the table showmessage (DVD Has Been Added To The Selection)//show this message end; end;//end end; procedure TFmAddNewDvd.BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); begin; end; end. unit URentOutaDVD; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DBCtrls, DB, ADODB, StdCtrls, Grids, DBGrids, Mask,printers, ExtCtrls; type TFMRentOutaDVD = class(TForm) DSFilms: TDataSource; ADOFilms: TADOTable; ADOMembers: TADOTable; DSMembers: TDataSource; dblkcbxdvd: TDBLookupComboBox; dblkcbxmembers: TDBLookupComboBox; DSLoans: TDataSource; ADOLoans: TADOTable; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; BtnRent: TButton; DBEdit1: TDBEdit; DBEdit2: TDBEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; ADOQtoomany: TADOQuery; DSquery: TDataSource; LblPrice: TLabel; edPrice: TEdit; DBGrid2: TDBGrid; Button2: TButton; Label4: TLabel; Button1: TButton; DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator; procedure BtnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var FMRentOutaDVD: TFMRentOutaDVD; implementation uses UCalcPrice, Umenu; {$R *.dfm} procedure TFMRentOutaDVD.BtnClick(Sender: TObject); var xmem:integer; begin if (dblkcbxmembers.Text=) then//if the contents of dblkcbxmembers is blank then show message please select a member showmessage(Please Select A Member); if (dblkcbxdvd.Text=) then//if dblkcbxdvd is empty then showmessage(Please Select A DVD To Rent Out);//show message pleasae select a DVD if (edPrice.Text=) then//if the edprice field is left blank then showmessage(Please Check The Rental Price Per Day of The DVD On The Table on The Right and Enter This In the Price Of DVD Field);//show the message Please Check The Rental Price Per Day of The DVD On The Table on The Right and Enter This In the Price Of DVD begin;//open adoloans if adoloans.locate(dvdid,strtoint(DBEdit1.text),[]) then//if the content of dbedit1 is equal to that in the loans table then showmessage(Already on loan)//show the message already on loan else//else begin//begin xmem:= strtoint(dblkcbxmembers.text);// adoqtoomany.Parameters[0].value:=xmem; adoqtoomany.Close; adoqtoomany.Open; if ADOQtoomany.recordcount;=3 then showmessage (You Can Only Borrow A Maximum of 3 DVDs) else begin ADOLoans.Append;//append the loans table ADOloans [memberId]:=strtoint(dblkcbxmembers.text);//add whatever is in the dblkcbmembers field into the field named memberid in the access table called loans ADOloans [DVDid]:=strtoint(dbedit1.text);//add whatver is in dbedit1 to the access table called loans in the field dvdid AdoLoans [DateBorrowed]:=date; AdoLoans [price]:=2*adofilms[priceperday]; AdoLoans [DateBack]:=date+2;//add 2 to the dateback field showmessage(DVD Has Been Rented);; Adoloans.close;; end; end; end; end; procedure TFMRentOutaDVD.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin; end; procedure TFMRentOutaDVD.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var dpmm:integer; begin //now print out confirmation recipet. with printer do begin dpmm:=pagewidth div 210; begindoc; with canvas do begin font.size:=16;//font size to be printed sans MS;//font type[fsbold]; textout(20*dpmm,20*dpmm,K Rentals Recipt **Customer copy**); font.size:=14;[]; adoloans.Last; textout(20*dpmm,30*dpmm,Member ID :+dblkcbxmembers.Text); in that position on the paper display member id textout(20*dpmm,40*dpmm,Member Name:+DBEdit2.Text); in that position on the paper display member name textout(20*dpmm,50*dpmm,DVD Tittle :+dblkcbxdvd.text); in that position on the paper display dvd title textout(20*dpmm,60*dpmm,DVD ID :+DBEdit1.text); textout(20*dpmm,70*dpmm,Date Borrowed : +datetostr(adoloans[dateborrowed])); textout(20*dpmm,80*dpmm,Return Date : +datetostr(adoloans[dateback])); textout(20*dpmm,90*dpmm,Price Of DVD : à ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ +currtostr(adoloans[price])); showmessage (Recipt Is Being Printed) end; enddoc; end; end; end. unit UReturnedDVDs; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DB, ADODB, StdCtrls, Mask, DBCtrls, Grids, DBGrids; type TFmReturnedDvds = class(TForm) BtnRent: TButton; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; Label2: TLabel; DSFilms: TDataSource; ADOFilms: TADOTable; ADOMembers: TADOTable; DSMembers: TDataSource; DSLoans: TDataSource; ADOLoans: TADOTable; dblkcbxmembers: TDBLookupComboBox; DBEdit1: TDBEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Button1: TButton; DBEdit2: TDBEdit; Label4: TLabel; procedure dblkcbxmembersClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnRentClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var FmReturnedDvds: TFmReturnedDvds; implementation uses Umenu; {$R *.dfm} procedure TFmReturnedDvds.BtnRentClick(Sender: TObject); var xmem:string; begin if(dblkcbxmembers.text=) then//if the content of dblkcbmembers is empty showmessage (Please Select A Member)//showmessage please select a member else//otherwise begin//begin xmem:=dblkcbxmembers.text;//if assign dblkcbxmembers to the variable xmem adoloans.locate(memberid,xmem,[]);//loacate the field in access table loans called memberid adoloans.Delete;//then delete that record from the table showmessage (DVD Has Been Returned)//show message DVD has been returned end; end; procedure TFmReturnedDvds.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin; end; procedure TFmReturnedDvds.dblkcbxmembersClick(Sender: TObject); begin begin adofilms.locate(DVDid,dbedit1.Text,[]); // edit1.Text:=adofilms[filmtitle]; end; end; end. unit ULoansOverdue; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, DB, Grids, DBGrids,printers, ADODB; type TFmLoansOverdue = class(TForm) ADOQuery1: TADOQuery; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; DSQuery: TDataSource; Button1: TButton; BtnActivateQuery: TButton; Label1: TLabel; Button2: TButton; procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnActivateQueryClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var FmLoansOverdue: TFmLoansOverdue; implementation uses Umenu; {$R *.dfm} procedure TFmLoansOverdue.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var dpmm,row:integer; begin //now print out confirmation recipet. with printer do begin dpmm:=pagewidth div 210; begindoc; with canvas do begin font.size:=16; sans MS;[fsbold]; textout(05*dpmm,01*dpmm,K Rentals Overdue Loans); font.size:=12;[];; adoquery1.First; row:=30; textout(08*dpmm,20*dpmm,Member ID ); textout(35*dpmm,20*dpmm,DVD ID ); textout(60*dpmm,20*dpmm,Date Rented ); textout(92*dpmm,20*dpmm,Date Back ); textout(120*dpmm,20*dpmm,Film Title ); textout(180*dpmm,20*dpmm,Loan ID :); while not adoquery1.eof do begin textout(20*dpmm,row*dpmm,inttostr(adoquery1[memberid])); textout(40*dpmm,row*dpmm,inttostr(adoquery1[DVDId])); textout(60*dpmm,row*dpmm,datetostr(adoquery1[Dateborrowed])); textout(90*dpmm,row*dpmm,datetostr(adoquery1[Dateback])); textout(120*dpmm,row*dpmm,adoquery1[FilmTitle]); textout(182*dpmm,row*dpmm,inttostr(adoquery1[LoanID]));; row:=row+10; showmessage (The List is Being Printed) end; end; enddoc; end; end; procedure TFmLoansOverdue.BtnActivateQueryClick(Sender: TObject); begin ADOQuery1.Active:=true;//actuvates the adoquery1 showmessage (All Overdue Loans Have Been Gathered) end; procedure TFmLoansOverdue.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin ADOQuery1.Active:=false; end; procedure TFmLoansOverdue.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin; end; end. User Manual 1. Brief Introduction This system was designed to aid the renting of DVDs at a DVD rental shop. It allows customer details and DVD details to be recorded in a database with a member ID and DVD ID generated and assigned with them. It also allows the user to rent out DVDs to members and while doing so a record is created on who borrowed the DVD and what that DVD was called and also calculates the rental price. After a rental has been made it allows the user to print out a receipt for the customer. It restricts also the number of DVDs a member can borrow and tells the member whether a certain DVD is in stock or not. The system can also generate a list of all the rentals which are overdue so that the user/shop owner can give them a late fine. This list can also be printed out. 2. Installation Instructions To install the system you first insert the CD-R with the system on it into the CD drive and then click on My Computer which looks like this: Clicking on this, will open a window, you then click the CD-Rom drive, this will then show you the contents if the CD-R. Then you copy the.exe file to the local drive. Then create a new folder named DVD Rental System and copy the PrDVDRentalsystem.exe into this folder. Then right click this icon and click on create a shortcut to the desktop. In future you can then use this icon to directly open up the system and use it. Also make sure you have the software Microsoft Access installed on your computer as for this system to function, this is required. 3. Tutorial Guide Setting up a Username and Password Form First of all to have access to the system you will have setup a username and password. This should be carried out when you first run the program. A form like the one below should appear: You then enter the username you want and the password you want. When you have finished choosing you username and password you then click on the Save Username and Password button. This will then save your username and password to the Usernames and Passwords table. Now you will be able to log in to the system. Login Form Now that you have setup a username and password, you can now login to the system by entering your new username and password, which has to be valid into the Login Form. This is displayed below. Main Menu Form Once you have logged into the system with a valid username and password you will see the Main Menu Form, which is displayed below: From this form you will be able to access the different functions of this system by clicking on the buttons which displayed that specific form. These functions/forms include: * Register A Member * Add New DVDs * Rent Out a DVD * Gather Overdue Loans (Note. These functions can only be accessed if you have been cleared through the login page with a valid username and password) Register a Member The register a member function can be accessed by the user via the main menu form by clicking on the register a member button. On this form the user can register a new member with the shop with all the details of that new member, such as forename, surname, address etc saved into the Members table. All the fields that have a * must be entered otherwise the system will not add the data to the database and will display an error message Also if the user wanted to delete a member from the shop, he could do this by using the minus button found on the navigator bar. If the user wanted to return to the main menu, he or she can access this by click on the return to main menu button. . Add New DVDs Form The adding a new DVD function can be accessed by the user via the main menu form by clicking on the Add New DVD button. On this form the user can enter the details of the DVD, such as film title, genre, length etc that they are adding to the existing catalogue and save this in the Films Table If the user wants to remove a DVD from the catalogue they can do this using the minus button found on the navigator bar. If the Film title field and the Price per Day field arent entered an error message will pop up asking the user to enter these fields as they are mandatory. Rent Out a DVD Form If a user wanted to rent out a DVD to a member, this form should be accessed via the main menu. The user should then select the ID of the member who wishes to borrow a DVD and also select the ID of the DVD the member wishes to borrow. This can be selected in the combo boxes on the form. The user should enter the rental price of that DVD by gaining the price information of that DVD using the grid on the right. This outlines to the user how much a certain DVD is going to cost the member to borrow. Once a member ID and DVD ID has been selected then the user should click on the Rent button. This button will save the details to the Loans table and a receipt can be printed and given to the member using the Print button. If the member who wishes to borrow a DVD has 3 DVDs already on loan then he or she cannot borrow any more DVDs until those DVDs are brought back to the shop and the loan record deleted. Also if a specific DVD is already on loan to another member then a message will pop up to tell the user that this DVD is Already on Loan. Return DVD Form This function is used when a member returns a DVD back to the shop. The user selects the ID of that member from the combo box and then clicks on the Return button. This button then removes the record for that loan from the Loans table. Loans Overdue Form This function can be used by the user to gather a list of all the loans which are overdue so that the user can fine the member who has not brought back the DVD on time. The list can be gathered using Click to gather a list of all overdue loans. The list can then be printed off. 4. Error Messages This error message occurs if the user has entered the wrong username or password or an unauthorised person is trying to log into the system. If this error message occurs then the user should make sure that he or she has entered the correct username and password. This error message pops up when the user hasnt typed in the film title of the DVD he is trying to add to the catalogue. To solve this he should enter the title of the DVD into that field. This error message is displayed when a member who wants to borrow a DVD already has a maximum of 3 DVDs on loan so he or she cannot borrow anymore DVDs until they have brought those back. To overcome this problem the user must get the member to bring that DVD and return it to the shop. This error message is displayed when the user tries to rent out a DVD to a member that is already on loan. Feasibility of potential Solution There a number of alternative solutions to come up with a suitable solution for this problem. These can include: Program solution I could come up with a bespoke program for the shop clerk to use. This could be programmed using Delphi which I have decent knowledge of. I could create menus with buttons and use text boxes for entering data. I could then create files of records to store data which could then be manipulated. The advantages of using Delphi are: * Increased flexibility allowing me to be able to fulfil the user requirements more easily. * The user interfaces can be very similar to the widely used windows style * Files can be created to store data * Hint messages and error messages are available to help when errors occur. * Formatted designs can be designed and printed easily. * The user doesnt need to buy the software, the .exe file can just be saved The disadvantages of using Delphi are: * You need to have a decent knowledge of the programming language to be able to be able to come up with an efficient solution * Takes longer to do the file handling * More error prone with incorrect syntaxs in code Application Package The problem could be tackled using a database package such as Microsoft Access. The software would have bought and installed on the system though. I could create table and link them with key fields. Then create forms and use them as the user interface, they would have buttons on them to access the next form. The menu form would be created using a switchboard The advantages of using Access are: * Can add and delete data easily * Can link tables together using foreign keys * Data entry is simplified using forms * Quicker access to data using indexing The disadvantages of using Access are: * :limited programming capabilities * Les control on how the system will look visually * Limitations to control how the files of records are handled. Have e to specify certain criteria * The user would also need to buy the software rights to use th system which is costly. Mix of Delphi and Access I could use both an application package and a software developing program. This will allow me to use the benefits of both solutions. * Setup tables in Access and relate to the Delphi program * Create fields and adjust them easily in Access, an also create validation rules. * It will give me more contrail with the Delphi programming language to carry out complicated tasks. * More freedom with display and layout of the program in Delphi. * Dont have to worry about complex file handling The disadvantages: * Will still need to purchase a copy of Microsoft Access * Need to know how to link both programs together Justification of Chosen Solution The solution Ive decided to use is to use both the software developing program together with Microsoft Access. I reached my decision after concluding with the shop clerk who said this was the better than the other 2 solutions. Using this solution will give me more control on the size and layout of the system. It will give me the opportunity to make it user friendly and make it easier to use. Delphi will allow me to use more programming code and I will be able create much more complicated processes using this programming language. Using an application package would give me limited control on the layout and structure of the program which in turn will reduce the user friendliness of the system, but how ever this could be overcome this using Delphi. I can use the application package to easily create related tables with the required fields and then link them to the Delphi program. I will need to create tables which will store member details, DVD details, and Loan details. Handling the tab les and validating is easier and simpler in Access. I can use the inbuilt validation options in Access to make sure data is valid before its stored in the tables. So in conclusion I think using a mix of Access and Delphi I will be able to come up with a solution which best meets the users requirements.
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