Saturday, August 31, 2019

Philosophy metaphysics Essay

In order to clearly answer the first question, it is important first to answer the question – â€Å"what is the soul for Aristotle† and as such give an account of how he views substance and separability. Aristotle posits in de Anima that the soul is the substance in the sense which corresponds to the definitive formula of a thing’s essence. That means that it is â€Å"’the essential whatness’’ of a body of the character just assigned. (Book II, 412b). As such, the soul is the essence of being and the essence of being is its substance. By being, Aristotle refers to the thing itself while by essence he refers to the primary essence of the thing itself wherein one is treated as the subject in its own right i. e. the good itself is treated as the essence of the good. It can be deduced then, using hypothetical syllogism that if soul is the essence of a being and the essence of being is its substance, then the soul is the substance of a being. He argued further that whatever is has a being, whatever has a being has a substance – this as the grounding of his epistemology. Hence, whatever is has a substance. This implies then that being is identical to substance. If such is the case, then using the principle of excluded middle, being is also identical to soul. Now, let us elucidate the concept of separability. Aristotle first distinguished the difference between the body and the soul. The body as he stated corresponds to what exists in potentiality, it being the subject or matter of a possible actuality. Soul, on the other hand, is a substance (actuality) in the sense of the form of a natural body having life potentially within it; it is the actuality of the body. Aristotle, Book II, 421b) As he delineates the dissimilarity between the body and soul, one should not be mislead in regarding the two as separate entities. They are at some point seems to be separate for in the former we are talking about a corporeal body in its spatio-temporal existence while in the latter we are talking of an incorporeal body transcending in the spatio-temporal world. However, their separability in terms of space and time does not mean they are separate as whole – that is an entity having life. As Aristotle argues â€Å"the soul is inseparable from its body, or at any rate that certain parts of it are (if it has parts) for the actuality of some of them is nothing but the actualities of their bodily parts†. (Aristotle, Book II, 413a). He argues further that â€Å"body cannot be the actuality of the soul; it is the soul which is the actuality of a certain kind of body. Hence the soul cannot be without a body, while it cannot be a body; it is not a body but something relative to a body. That is why it is in a body and a body of a definite kind†. (Book I, 421a). It can be deduced then that soul and the body are inseparable with each other. It is because the essence of both their existence lies in the interdependency of their telos – the soul actualizing the potential life in the body while the body providing an entity for the soul to actualize itself in the material world. Since the soul is the actuality of natural body, then naturally it would have certain functions which it can actualize. Aristotle has identified these functions to be the following: (1. ) powers of self-nutrition or the nutritive function; (2. powers of sensation which includes the sensory and appetitive function; (3. ) the power of movement and rest or the locomotive function and (4. ) the power of thinking. With these functions, he posited a psychic power of hierarchy. He claimed that of the psychic powers mentioned above, some kinds of beings posses all of these, some possess less than all while others posses only one. As such, evidently, the plants possess the p ower of self-nutrition wherein they can grow up or down and increase or decrease in all direction as long they can find nutrients in the soil. It is through their own means that they continue tolive. Even though the plants possess only one function of the soul, it is a great wonder how they continuously subsist on their own. Next is the power of sensation, which is possessed by all animals. All animals possessed the power of sensation because they all have the primary form of sense, which is touch. Aristotle defended and further elaborated this notion in de Anima. To wit: if any order of living things has the sensory, it must also have the appetitive; for appetite is the genus of which desire, passion, and wish are the species; now all animals have one sense at least, viz. ouch, and whatever has a sense has the capacity for pleasure and pain and therefore has pleasant and painful objects present to it, and wherever these are present, there is desire, for desire is just appetition of what is pleasant. (BookII, 414b) From the arguments stated above, it can be evidently inferred not just how Aristotle proven that all animals possess at least one sense, the touch, but also how he sci entifically deduced that all animals by virtue of their sensory function, possess appetitive function, too. From all these animals, there are some which possessed the power of locomotion, advancing them to a higher stratum. These are animals which can execute any kind of movements together with the capacity to halt such movement. Lastly, the human beings possessed all of the above-mentioned functions placing them on the top of the hierarchy. They posses the power of thinking, which is the essential feature of the human beings and which separates them apart from all other species. Analyzing the theoretical framework Aristotle succumbed to, it can be construed then that for him every being has a soul. This is evidently manifested in his attempt to prove the groundings of his epistemology extending his claim to the psychic hierarchy wherein he posited that every kind of living thing – any entity for that matter possesses certain function/s of the soul It should be put in mind, however, that even Aristotle posited the different functions of the soul; they are in essence, inseparable. An example of this is the function of nutrition (by eating) which human beings in particular do in order to properly and clearly think. The latter being also a function of the soul. Evidently, every function of the soul is interconnected with each other especially in the case of the Homo sapiens, who possessed all the enumerated functions of the soul. Aristotle notions of intellect can be rooted in his conception of knowledge – in his epistemology. It is from his conception of knowledge arises his other assertions on how he views the world. It is common sensical then to claim that his conception of the mind or any other things transcending from their spatio-temporal existence, his metaphysics, is grounded on his epistemology. As such, it is with utmost importance to first answer how Aristotle regards the nature of knowledge and how does one able to acquire knowledge so as to provide an answer on his notion of intellect. Knowledge for him can only be found within the material world – that is things, which are intelligible by senses. It is then through our experience with this objects in their spatio-temporal existence that we come to know them. He mentioned the processes of how we can arrive to know these objects – by perception, discrimination and thinking. By perception here, I mean the process of how our senses operate to recognize things in the material word. Discrimination then comes simultaneous with perception in order to give a concrete description of the thing being perceived. In example, upon the perception of a certain plant, we can able to distinguish its structure and other ontical features as the mind started to categorized. As a corollary, we arrived at the conclusion that what we perceived is indeed a plant. From there, we judged that what we perceived is indeed a plant and hence, arriving in the state of thinking. It can be deduced then that through thinking, one can able to comprehend the ontical features of an object and by virtue one’s reason, its primary essence. By primary essence, I mean the telos or the end itself of a thing. Since reason for Aristotle is innate in human beings so is intellect. It is because for Aristotle, reason is an essential property of the mind – that is of the intellect. If that is the case, then reason for Aristotle is relatively tantamount to the intellect. Husserl, on the other hand regarded the process of intuition as the first level of cognition wherein the objects are grasp in its original thru experience. This is also the case when one is cognizing objects of mere representations which includes but not limited to pictorial intuitions and any means of symbolic indications. To wit, experiencing is consciousness that intuits something and values it to be actual; experiencing is intrinsically characterized as consciousness of the natural object in question and of it as the original: there is consciousness of the original as being there â€Å"in person. The same thing can be expressed by saying that objects would be nothing at all for the cognizing subject if they did not â€Å"appear† to him, if he had of them no â€Å"phenomenon. † Here, therefore, â€Å"phenomenon† signifies a certain content that intrinsically inhabits the intuitive consciousness in question and is the substrate for its actuality valuation. (Husserl, p. 3) It is only but logical to infer that experience plays a vital role in the cognition of a certain object. As such, it is only upon experience, can one theorized and moved to a higher level of cognition. A thing must first be intuited before one can theorize about them. And after theorizing, comes the process of reflection. Evidently, both Aristotle and Husserl believed in the value of experience in which the former calls perception and the latter intuition. From these processes arises higher forms of cognition wherein the end result for Aristotle is thinking through the use of reason while for Husserl, it is pure reflection as a result of phenomenology. It is then with utmost importance to first clarify, what does Husserl meant by intellect and Ego. As such, in what process does a person uses his intellect. Furthermore, what is the difference of reflection from pure reflection and of the empirical Ego to the transcendental Ego? Also, one should answer the question â€Å"what is phenomenology? † and â€Å"why it is only through this process one can arrive at pure reflection? † For Husserl, intellect is identical with consciousness as Ego is identical to Self. As such, when one speaks of intellect, one is referring to consciousness and vice-versa. Such is also the case with the Ego and the Self. Reflection is the process wherein one is looking not towards the act of reflection itself but rather in the direction of the objects one is conscious of. As such, one is absorbed in reflecting how these objects exist rather than asking how they come into being or essentially, enquiring on their primordial existence. If the consciousness is moving towards this kind of reflection, then the Ego is only in his/her ontical (empirical) status. Pure reflection, on the other hand, is the process wherein the consciousness is reflecting his consciousness – that is the act of reflection per se. This is the case wherein the Ego transcends from his ontical stage by describing the events i. e. relating, referring, combining, et al in his consciousness. And this can only be done thru the process of phenomenology. What is phenomenology then? Phenomenology is defined as the science of consciousness. (Husserl, p. 5) It is the process of describing the things and events themselves in their primordial sense through the use of phenomenological reduction. Phenomenological reduction then is the process wherein one suspends his/her preconceived notion of things in order to objectively describe the objects and events as what it appears to them. It only thru this process that we can arrive at pure reflection because this is the only method wherein objects and events are describe as themselves without concurring to any established principle or assumption. Evidently, Aristotle’s notion of intellect and Husserl’s notion of Ego posited the strength of mind in general – transcending from space and time. If that is the case, then the conception of a person is not only confined within the physical realm – that is he can do things beyond the limit of his physical existence in his journey to unravel the primordial existence of objects and any discipline for that matter. However, what sets them apart from each other is their notion on how one can really grasp the ontological state of an object or in the words of Kant –their intentionality. Aristotle believed that one can only know the ontological state of a thing by referring to its primary essence, its telos as the context clue in able to grasp the object’s primary essence. For Husserl, on the other hand, it is only through the use of phenomenological method can one comprehend the ontological state of objects. In Being and Time, Heidegger attempted to know the meaning of a Being – that is the Dasein, by starting to ask and redefine the fundamental question of â€Å"What is a Being? † He further continued this method by asking the ontological question of Being – that only a being can know his Being because he is consciousness to his Being by his being. His starting point is the fact that a being is a Being-in-the-World. He is a being situated in this world. As such, it is only him who can know his being by virtue of his ontic-ontological character. If that is the case, then it is only him who can determine his possibilities by virtue of being a spatio-temporal entity. Since no other entities can determine his possibilities as a being conscious of his existence, then the Dasein solely can ascertain his existentiall. It can be deduced then that the task of Dasein is to transcend to his existentiell in order to arrive at his ontological status. He can only do this by maximizing his possibilities to know himself thru the things which are ready-at-hand – things which can help him to reveal his being to him. It should be kept in mind that this process of knowing the Dasein does not go in hermeneutic circles rather on a back and forth condition Dasein as a spatio-temporal entity is facing a hard time to know his being because there is a tendency that he might be too absorb in his world or fall. Yet what Heidegger wants to emphasize is that he as a Dasein should not conceive his being as a spatio-temporal entity an encumbrance to his Being. It is because it is only through this world he can have his possibilities. This separates him from other entities and makes him a Dasein. Evidently, Heidegger’s notion of Dasein greatly gives importance to the relationship of the Being and the world which is also apparent in Aristotle notion of intellect and Husserl’s notion of Ego. However, what separates the former from the latter is that it focused on providing an answer on how one can transcend to his facticity in order to ontologically know his Being. The latter, on the other hand, focuses in discovering the essence and the ontological existence of the objects in the material world. Transcendental phenomenology is defined in general as the study of essence. It designates two things: a new kind of descriptive method which made a breakthrough in philosophy at the turn of the century, and an a priori science derived from it; a science which is intended to supply the basic instrument for a rigorously scientific philosophy and, in its consequent application, to make possible a methodical reform of all the sciences. (Husserl, p. 15) Essentially, transcendental phenomenology then is a description of phenomena. Husserl, then, laid down the method to achieve the objective of reforming all the sciences. The first step is the use of phenomenological epoche or reduction or bracketing wherein one suspends or take away all his/her biases and prejudices in order to â€Å"objectively describe† a phenomena. By doing this, we can arrive at a universal description of a phenomena. This will be followed by the compare and contrast method which one will have to undertake in order to arrive at the pure data of things. It appears then that by suspending one’s judgment and undergoing the intersubjectivity test, we can arrive at the â€Å"pure data of things†. In relation to this, Husserl claims that this method should be followed by all sciences in order to answer their primordial condition. It is held that sciences cannot escape their dogmas because it fails to question how they come to be. What they are just doing is a mere adaptation of established principles proven in the past to be true. Since these established principles were proven in the past to be true, scientists or people who work in the sciences do not make any attempt to further verify the truthfulness of their established principles – that is how and why is it the case that such principles were held to be true. For indisputably, things cannot just come into being without any rationalization, scientific explanation for that matter. Sciences have constructed ready-made answers to all things – their nature, existence, feature, et al; grounded on the preconceived notion that sciences have already provided sufficient answers to the primitiveness of these objects. While sciences are busy in explaining these things [the ready-made answers], they failed to realized that they were not able to arrived at the Isness of these objects, on how they come into being. However, since the sciences had already deceived the people, that in the past, it already provided sufficient answers to the primordial existence of things, it appears then they are seemingly contented and satisfied by what the sciences have achieved. This is what phenomenology wants to deconstruct – it wanted to create a paradigm shift by destroying the â€Å"tradition† institutionalized by science and overcoming relativism and subjectivism by the use of phenomenological reduction. From these, one can arrive at the pure data of consciousness. It is in this sense, that phenomenology becomes transcendental. Phenomenology is different from descriptive psychology because it draws upon pure reflection exclusively, and pure reflection excludes, as such, every type of external experience and therefore precludes any co positing of objects alien to consciousness. (Husserl, p. 7) Descriptive psychology then does not depend upon pure reflection exclusively; it needs psychological experiencing which would result to the reflection of the external experience. As such, consciousness itself becomes something transcendent, becomes an event in that spatial world which appears, by virtue of consciousness, to be transcendent. (Husserl, p. 7) It can be inferred then that phenomenology focuses solely on the consciousness per se of a being making it the science of consciousness while descriptive psychology focuses on the consciousness of a being in his psychic experiences. Transcendental idealism states that â€Å"everything intuited in space and time, and therefore all objects of any experience possible to us, are nothing but appearances, that is, mere representations which, in the manner in which they are represented, as extended beings or as series of alterations, have no independent existence outside our thoughts. † (Kant, p. 1) As such, it posits that one cannot have the knowledge of the realm beyond the empirical – that is one cannot experience objects outside space and time. It is because the mind as Kant argues having certain constraints [in reference to space and time] – can only grasp the noesis of the object but not its noumena – the object’s intentionality. It can be inferred then that transcendental idealism’s fundamental assertions lies on two grounds: first, objects by themselves exudes intentionality; and secondly, we can never know their intentionality [or noumena] because our mind can only grasp the noesis or what is appearing to us. Phenomenology believes on Kant’s first claim that indeed objects have their own intentionality but vies the second assertion. As such, its emergence as a domain of study in philosophy is grounded on its thrust to prove that indeed the mind can know the noumena of objects. Phenomenology believes that this can be done using eidetic reductionism proving to all that the mind can transcend beyond the physical realm – beyond space and time. Essentially, all the philosophies which were tackled in this paper seek to explain and interpret the world – including the objects within it and the beings living in it; from the primordial existence of things up to the authentication of one’s Being.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Steven Massie Mr. Bevier AP English Language AA/BB 1 September 2012 Corruption in New Orleans In Zeitoun written and published by Abdulrahman Zeitoun and Dave Eggers, the most powerful assertion made is that the government was corrupt during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. This allegation is unfortunately accurate. Many citizens were left stranded in their homes, while the government gave orders to arrest innocent men and women who were still in the city of New Orleans, which also lead to the establishment of many corrupt government programs.To start, the author supports his statement by including information of citizens who were left hopeless at their homes. Some citizens waited on their rooftops, while others waited on their front porch. On Thursday September 1st, 2005 Abdulrahman Zeitoun paddled throughout the city determined to help save stranded citizens. He went house to house and reported to the National Guard where and who needed to be rescued. At his first encounter with a soldier, he was told he could not be helped. However, while talking to another soldier he was told everything would be taken care of and the citizens would be helped.Unfortunately, help did not come to everyone. â€Å"Alvin and Beulah were still there, on the porch, bags still ready, a light rain still falling on them. They had been waiting for four hours† (Dave Eggers 137). This passage further proves only one example of citizens who received no help from the government, no rescue, and no safety. The corrupt government left many unsure if they were going to survive at all. Continuing forward, the author further demonstrates his point by including information of innocent citizens being arrested during the aftermath of the storm.The first time readers become aware of this is on Tuesday September, 6 on page 212. Zeitoun along with his friends living in the house on Claiborne are all arrested and driven to a terminal a few blocks from the Superdome. From there, they are told they are under arrest because they are ‘Al Qaeda’. However much the evidence may have pointed towards this being a correct statement, the men had committed no crime, had not been processed correctly, and had not been allowed to make a call. All evidence of the government being corrupt during this time.Another example brought to reader’s attention is a man Abdulrahman Zeitoun meets at the Hunt Correctional Center. â€Å"He met a man who said he had been moving furniture in his house just after the storm hit. The police spotted him and broke in. When the protested his innocence they beat him up and left. A few days later, he came to the Greyhound Station to complain. They arrested him and sent him to Hunt† (Eggers 258). This ridiculous behavior during a time of crisis is unacceptable and shows how the government was corrupt.Lastly, the author strongly supports his assertion by explaining the conditions he lived under at these corrupt government programs. The first place Zeitoun was held captive was the terminal close to the Superdome. Here, innocent men were pepper sprayed, and tortured in other various ways. They were given 1 steel rack, a concrete floor, and a negative amount of sympathy at best. â€Å"Zeitoun had been brought into the station on September 6, seven and a half days after the hurricane passed through the city.Even under the best of circumstances, building a prison like this would have taken four or five days† (Eggers 226). This also tells the reader, that instead of spending their time saving citizens who needed them, they were building a jail to house innocent men. The reader continues forward, to find out poor food and medical help was provided, along with the absence of a phone call. Under United Stated laws, a person who is arrested is guaranteed one phone call, again proving the corruption of the government.When one faces the facts provided in Zeitoun they have no choice but to agree that the government was corrupt during the aftershock of the storm. When citizens are left without help, took away for no reason, and held captive under terrible conditions, the reader is left with no choice but to be disappointed in the government. One might imagine that Zeitoun have lived in a third world country when all this had occurred, yet it happened right here in the United States of America.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Toxic Gases Emitted From the Burning of Coal Case Study

Toxic Gases Emitted From the Burning of Coal - Case Study Example Although the present system seems favorable for the Chinese consumers, yet â€Å"UNDERPRICING ENERGY REPRESENTS THE WORLD’S NUMBER ONE SUBSIDY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION† (Chandler 5). This imparts the need to increase the number of coal power plants in China with the FGD systems installed in them. Presently, Chinese industries that directly burn coal are imposed sulfur taxes upon, but these sulfur taxes are too small to cause any reduction in pollution. â€Å"REGULATED OR NOT, ENFORCEMENT GENERALLY FALLS TO THE PROVINCIAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, WHICH MUST BALANCE ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS AGAINST ECONOMIC GROWTH PRIORITIES† (Rosen and Houser 36). As a Chinese leader, I would have to determine the optimal level to which the environment can be protected without compromising upon the economic growth of the industry. Installing fully operational FGD systems at all coal power plants in China is certainly not an option given the immensity of increase it causes in the electricity tariffs. So I would consider increasing the number of coal power plants with the FGD systems installed from 4 to 8 per cent to 20 to 30 per cent. This would hopefully cause substantial reduction in the emission of hazardous gases in the environment. â€Å"THE CHALLENGE FOR POLICY MAKERS IS TO DEVELOP STRATEGIES THAT HELP THE MARKET CONVERGE ON THE MOST COST-COMPETITIVE TECHNOLOGIES† (Chandler 5). In order to develop such strategies, I would place emphasis on encouraging market-based technologies that are feasible as well as on eradicating the barriers to the widespread use of those technologies. Another area that requires my attention as the Chinese leader is the transportation boom as it happens to be a potential threat to the air quality in China. â€Å"SOME 14,000 NEW CARS HIT CHINAS ROADS EACH DAY† (Elizabeth para. 9).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

ExxonMobil - Future potential Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

ExxonMobil - Future potential - Essay Example 7 3.1 Strengths of ExxonMobil †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7 3.2 Weaknesses of ExxonMobil †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 8 3.3 Opportunities for ExxonMobil †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 8 3.4 Threats to ExxonMobil †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 9 4.0 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of ExxonMobil †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 4.1 Threat of New Entrants †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 10 4.2 Threats from Rivals †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 10 4.3 Supplier Power †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 4.4 Buyer Power †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 11 4.5 Threat of Substitutes †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 11 5.0 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 12 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 13 Executive Summary There is no doubt pertaining to the fact that ExxonMobil happens to be the biggest publicly traded company in the world that deals in oil and natural gas. The recommendations extended in this report directly ensue from varied facts and factors like the number one position of ExxonMobil in the oil and natural gas sector, the immense growth potential of ExxonMobil and the steps being taken by the company to extend its business all around the world. So far as its financial position is concerned, ExxonMobil is suitably positioned and has the capacity to benefit from the fluctuating oil and natural gas prices. So as to be able to have an insight into the future potential of the ExxonMobil, the report intends to analyze ExxonMobil’s business operations and the overall business environment in which the company operates. The report holds that Exxon Mobil has an immense growth potential in the future. This conclusion ensues forth from varied facts. Over the years ExxonMobil has managed to retain a robust financial position and standing in the oil and natural gas sector. Besides, ExxonMobil is proactively expanding its activities at an international level and is making immense investments in the oil and natural gas sector. These advantages enjoyed by ExxonMobil are much augmented by the fact that the demand for oil and natural gas is continually increasing all around the world. In the light of these facts, the prospects of ExxonMobil seem to be propitious in the future. 1.0 Introduction In order to have an insight into the future potential of ExxonMobil, it will be useful to consider its past track record and history. In the past 125 years, ExxonMobil has successfully graduated from being the largest marketer of kerosene within the United States of America to being the largest publically traded company that deals in oil and natu ral gas (ExxonMobil 2012). In the present context, ExxonMobil is operating in many of the nations and is known word over by the dint of its famous brands like Mobil, Exxon and Esso (ExxonMobil 2012). It goes without saying that the contemporary world economies are largely dependent on energy and the energy needs of the world are immensely expanding with time. The products made by ExxonMobil facilitate transportation, have a usage in the petrochemical and lubricants industry and power generation.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Letter to the Editor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Letter to the Editor - Essay Example In the same line, the North Miami Mayor was involved in ballot fraud prob. When will this end? We need to come together and stamp out corruption. Politically, corruption undermines democracy. The act of good governance dies off. In the election, corruption reduces accountability in representations in policymaking. Underqualified leaders in position wrongfully lead the nation to ashes. In the judiciary, corruption compromises the rule of law. Provision of inefficient services experienced results from corruption in public administration. Corruption in the economic sector affects both the private and public businesses. Starting with the private sector, it leads to an increase in the business cost in acquiring the license to start the business. In the public sector, corruption lowers the compliance in activities such as constructing and maintenance of the environment. The quality of government services and infrastructure significantly reduces. Roads built by unqualified engineers have a short life span. Later they become unworthy limiting the users significantly. Corruption accelerates environmental destruction. Forest guards are receiving bribes allowing people to cut down trees. The environment becomes threatened. Global warming accelerated endangering the survival of the human species. Food production falls increasing prices of the available food. The cost of life increase gradually. In humanitarian aid to the poor, manipulation of assessment, targets, and registration is prone. Uneven distribution of aid leaves many to sleep hungry while others remain shelter less. Support covers only those with connections. Under the table, payments have given unqualified individuals job opportunities leaving qualified individuals jobless. Corruption has made education expensive. Some people even end up buying academic certificates. Such individuals threaten the future of the nation. STOP CORRUPTION! The first step starts with you. Obey the law.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Wireshark Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wireshark - Assignment Example The switch maps the acquired MAC address to the port where the data packets came in from and stores it in the CAM ( content Addressable Memory). Content Addressable Memory is a table of port mapping, and MAC addresses used to identify connected networking peripheral devices. ARP table is a protocol used for mapping an IP address to a MAC address that has been recognized in the local network. An ARP table is created or updated when a Host x is attempting to transport a packet addressed to another host y with a known IP address. Host x looks in the ARP table to find the MAC address of Host y by comparing it to its IP address. When Host x does not find a MAC address of Host y, Host x constructs an ARP request. The ARP request will contain the IP address of Host x. The packet is sent to Ethernet broadcast address where all devices in the network will receive it. Since Host x has sent both it MAC and IP addresses, all the host receiving the ARP request will add the entry into their ARP tables. Since Host y only has an IP address, it will create an ARP reply that contains its MAC and IP address and send it to Hst x that requested for it. Host x can now send its original packet to Host y since its MAC address is also now available. (e) Domain name system is widely available and used to resolve names of websites in a network. Recursive DNS is the process through which the DNS server on the local machine makes queries to other DNS servers on behave of the user of the local machine which made the original request. In essence, the local DNS server becomes a DNS client. This usually happens when the DNS server on the local machine is not able to find the IP address of every website due to the high number of websites and creation of new sites each

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Arguments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Arguments - Assignment Example It is based on assumptions that are not clearly indicated. This cannot be utilized to discredit Betsy’s dating trend. Subsequently, nature cannot attest to the fact that it has things it does not attest. Therefore, the argument depends on unconfirmed assumptions to steer towards its interest. This implies that the argument lacks a clear ground for the establishing the contrary opinion and instead seeks to utilize unsupported assumptions as a premise for supporting its conclusion (Barnes, 2003). Im glad you all took the time to meet with me today, given the current crisis with Mrs. Brown, Clearly she is an unfit parent. Mrs. Brown refuses to give her children vitamin pills. Therefore, she ignores the basic health needs of her children. And anybody who ignores the basic health needs of her children is unfit parent. The premise places into contest the definition of basic health needs. Apparently, it is not clear from the argument why vitamin pills are included in the category of basic health needs. This implies that there exists a list of elements that are identified as basic health needs, of which Vitamin pills are included. Unfortunately, this information is not included in the argument. This makes the argument be founded on grounds that are comprised of assumptions. The argument seeks to assume that the audience upon which the statement is directed are aware of the elements that formulate basic health needs. This discredits its final conclusion (Searle, 2001). Sasha, the American exchange student, wants us to join an organization, Humanity International (HI), which supports justice and humanitarian goals worldwide. However, Id submit that this is not a good idea. HI is opposed to the death penalty. Therefore, the organization must advocate a "soft on crime" ideology (in favour of light sentences for murderers, rapists, and other violent offenders). Therefore, it endorses an ideology that leads to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Buyer behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Buyer behaviour - Essay Example iour can be individualized or associated with a group in which friends or even families possess the power to influence the buying and consumption patterns of an individual. A brand is an important aspect of marketing and promotion for any good or service produced. Companies and organizations develop brands that they present to the potential customers and clients around the globe. A brand is a symbol, sign, name or a combination of all of the above used to identify a good or service in the market. Branding enables the customer identifies the product as the only available solution to their problems as compared to other products in the market (Wang, et al. 2014). Understanding consumer behaviours has a number of psychological relevance to marketers or even advertising firms who take upon themselves to design a product advert for a company. Knowledge of consumer behaviour is important in making marketing strategies and decisions such branding, which can enhance the performance of a company within the market (Williams, 2014). Branding is done for particular objectives chief among them helping in the delivery of the message to the potential clients with clarity and precision. A great brand also confirms the viability of a product and the company that presents the brand and connects the target market with the product emotionally. A good brand also motivates buyers and gives them more reasons to identify with the product has made specifically for them. Wanting cannot be done in isolation without understanding the needs and desires of the customers. A brand should therefore integrate the emotions and desires of potential clients with the identity of the product to increase the magnitude of the product (Schiffman et al. 2011). Consumer behavior is defined as a set of human characteristics that can be identified in a product, good or service that is available in the market. Brand personality is a feature that customers and potential clients can easily relate with due to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Nurses in Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Nurses in Politics - Essay Example It costs the health care system approximately $400 million every year. In connection with these reasons, CMS argued that â€Å"patients often have a urinary catheter longer than necessary,† making majority of them developing urinary tract infection that was not meant to happen (Fox, Kaye & Urman, 2012). As introduced above, UTI is one of the facilities that are highly used in hospitals. There are other many other facilities in health care system that when not used appropriately may result in patients acquiring preventable conditions from hospitals. As a result of the cost associated with the hospital facilities such as UTIs as well as hospital infections such as the urinary infections that result from having the urinary catheter for many days, CMS recommended the evaluation of patients in every shift so as to determine whether a particular facility is of necessity to the patient (Vincent,

If all states were democratic, would we ever go to war Essay

If all states were democratic, would we ever go to war - Essay Example In this report, we are to discuss the Democratic Peace Theory in detail, while also arguing for and against the ideologies published. Many researchers have throughout taken examples and tried to prove that democracy might not be in the end the substantial basis that led to the decline in wars. However, there are still many more researchers that have inevitably proven that democracy or conversion to democracy did indeed reduce the chances of the democratic going on wars. While the reasons underlying are several, we are here to discuss exactly this. Many nations have believed in democracy, many have converted, while several others are attempting to convert further on. What is the basis of this conversion and is this the right step to take for any converting nation? Is there an intermediate state and are there factors that actually lead to reduction in aggressive behavior or actions by nations on the path to democracy? Then again, what is democracy and how will we define wars. The main motive behind this paper is to explain all these questions. So let us begin our tryst with the understanding of Democratic Peace Theory (DPT), undertaking all possible arguments withheld by researchers before. In his essay, Perpetual Peace, Immanuel Kant cited his belief that nations on a republican path will be more inclined towards peace; hence, either not warring at all or minimizing the war to extent. According to him, being constitutional republic was one of the immaculate conditions for nations in order for peace to prevail. He also cited that people following the republican view would never agree to go on war, unless they do so in self defense. Keeping this in mind, he further suggested that in order for the peace to reside in the world, it is extremely important that all nations become republic. This was the view in the eighteenth century, when republic was

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Management Hence Essay Example for Free

Management Hence Essay It was a win-win proposition for both HS3C and 01B to merge to draw synergies from the strength of both, HSBCS technology, global reach and product innovation and Olds domestic reach and strong customer base. Under the terms of the merger, HSBC Middle East will inject an additional capital of US $97 4m into HSBC Oman and in turn, 01B issued to HSBC new shares equivalent to 51 per cent ot the shareholding In the combined entity. Though there were synergies end the merger provided gains, there were certdln challenges. The organisational culture, customer profile, business segment, banking products and technology in place were totally different. All these require adoption of suitable change customers and 10,000 corporate clients of more than 80 branches under one unified anking platform and connecting more than 140 ATMs to the OmanNet National Switch Network were completed by the bank well ahead of its scheduled target. In addition, issue of fresh ATM/Debit cards to ex-OIB customers were achieved in record time. HSBC Bank Oman also made changes in the business process by making a number of lending policy changes to benefit its customers, rolled out complimentary life insurance on personal loans, launched receivables finance besides providing value added services like on-the-ground payments and cash management roposition to strengthen clients coverage capabilities. (wrww. hsbc. co. om) Change of management style: The bank successfully manages the changes required in technology, business practices and physical infrastructure. However, the biggest challenge for the bank will be integrating the workforce and bringing across a uniform Organisational Culture. Towards this aim and in line with the National Objectives to retain all the 1300 people of both banks, HSBC trained ex-OIB staff to new working culture and banking products of HSBC group. Unlike other challenges, this one will be difficult to uantify and could be gauged only by the success of the merged entity in terms of its market share and financial performance. Conclusions: Though the bank has achieved significant progress in initial challenges like technological and organisational integration, the impact on its business can be gauged only after looking at the financial results of the bank and its market share in 2013 and 2014. However, with a newly expanded team, diverse geographical network and growing customer base, the business opportunities for HSBC Bank Oman are significant. No doubt the merger creates an opportunity for the bank to drive growth n Oman and thereby having a strong presence in the Gulf and demonstrate its commitment.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Negative Effects of Fast Food

Negative Effects of Fast Food Fast Food – The Recipe for Death What if I told you that these French fries that you are happily devouring will lead you to your death in 10 years? You will for sure consider me insane. Here are some real statistics to prove my point: according to The Telegraph, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence says that each year, 40,000 deaths occur in Britain alone as a result of eating junk food and high levels of fat and salt contained in it (Smith). In 1976, an extremely satirical pop number written by a singer named Larry Groce hit the music industry. What was unique about this song was that it was not about a long lost love, romance, marriage, personal freedom or something like that. The interesting thing about this song was that it talked about the double life that many people were leading then and we are still leading today (Orel). These double lives revolve around eating healthy food some days and sneaking in junk food whenever we can and this is what is leading us fast to our early deaths. It is time for us to stop consuming junk food and start saving our lives. There are an infinite number of reasons for why junk food is dangerous for human health and should not be consumed. However, I shall focus on only the top three basic ones here. So, why should we not be eating fast food? The answer is that it contains sodium and trans fats, it causes great problems in digestion and it is a leading cause for various life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease, liver damage, type 2 diabetes and even cancer. Although there are a number of unhealthy substances and ingredients that are used in fast foods, but the primary harmful, unsavory components that they contain are trans fats and sodium. These two compounds have the ability to wreak complete havoc in our bodies and cause a great amount of damage. Let us first see what sodium does to our body. An average adult has a minimal need of 500 mg of sodium per day (Coila). However, fast foods are â€Å"very high in sodium† (Sodium†). Our kidneys are responsible for expelling extra amount of salts from our bodies. Due to this high quantity of salt, our kidneys have to overwork for eliminating this extra salt. This in turn puts too much pressure on kidneys, increasing the possibility of kidney disease (Pendick; Stiavetti). Moreover, consuming too much salt (sodium) causes the compound to accumulate in our bloodstreams. As a result, our heart is forced to work much harder than what it actually is meant to do. This extra work by our heart causes heart disease and high blood pressure (Stiavetti). Trans fats are some other deadly substances which are created by adding hydrogen to liquid oils. The fat that is produced as a result is termed as the deadliest fat substance by American Heart Association as it can lead to strokes, heart attacks and diabetes (Stiavetti). Fast foods are known for their bad reputation for various reasons. Another reason why fast food is damaging to your health is because it is ruining your digestive system. The more you consume it, the faster it will impair your digestion. Research shows that people who eat a diet loaded with junk food are highly likely to experience digestive problems and frequent stomach upsets. Irritable bowel syndrome and GERD are the conditions that primarily develop as a result of consistently consuming fast foods (Stiavetti). Proponents of fast foods claim that fast food, if taken in moderation is not detrimental to physical health (â€Å"Healthy†). However, this concept is far from truth. Fast foods are mostly deep fried. The oil contained in them deposits in the stomach and causes acidity. They are also very spicy and cause excessive irritation of the stomach lining. Furthermore, they also do not have appropriate amounts of fiber which is important for proper digestion (Rupavate). Finally, the one main reason why we should say outright no to junk foods is that they have the power to cause our death way earlier than it is meant to happen. The intensity of the risk that it puts our bodies to is difficult to put into words. First of all, it causes severe fluctuations in the body’s level of blood sugar, thereby putting our metabolism to excessive stress. Moreover, the increased amounts of sugar require pancreas to produce greater amounts of insulin to protect the body from experiencing a sudden spike in blood sugar levels (Rupavate). Junk foods do not only have an adverse impact on our digestive systems. It also badly affects our brain functions. According to a study published in ‘Brain, Behavior, and Immunity,’ eating fast foods for one week is more than enough to cause impairment in rats’ memories. Similar studies conducted on animals prove that junk foods contain fats that can hamper the ability to acquire new skills. Similarly, junk foods also lead to serious life threatening diseases such as kidney and liver damage, Type 2 diabetes and in severe cases, even cancer. Something worth mentioning here is the reason for why it is difficult for us to say no to fries and other junk foods. As these foods are high in processed salts, it increases the amount of enzymes being secreted and also increases salivation. This can also affect the kidney function adversely (Rupavate). Cancer is also propagated by over consumption of junk foods. According to a research published in European Journal of Cancer Prevention, people who consume a lot of junk foods high in fat and sugar are at risk for developing colorectal cancer. A similar study conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center revealed that prostate cancer was common among men who indulged in fried foods more than two times in a single month (Rupavate). Then, we shouldn’t forget obesity which is the mother of many illnesses like high blood pressure, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, reproductive disorders, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, gallstones and cancer (â€Å"Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity†). It is a known fact that consuming fast food contributes to weight gain. One fast food meal can have 1,500 calories alone, while we need 1500-1800 calories in a day (Muntel). Though, all of these realizations are shocking, but not to those who have actually experienced the side-effects of fast food. After coming to America and being away from home, I got hooked on fast food. I started gaining weight and felt lethargic all the time. Movement became difficult; I felt out of breath after little exertion. So, it started affecting the quality of my life. Luckily, I recovered in time; started cooking at home and saved myself. Thus, these shocking realizations call for some serious changes in government policies and food production, so that healthy lifestyle changes could be encouraged, and the horrendous amount of saturated fat and salts that the world consumes could be significantly reduced. These steps would lose weight if taken only on governmental level. It is useless to hope that anything would change unless we as individuals understand the severity of the situation. It is time for us to take control of our lives and start today. It is we who choose how we are going to fuel our bodies. It is our responsibility to protect our lives and those of our loved ones and junk foods are not giving us life, but leading us to our untimely deaths.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The History Of Manufactured Bicycles Economics Essay

The History Of Manufactured Bicycles Economics Essay Brompton Bicycle is a  bicycle  manufacturer based in  Brentford,  London, in the  United Kingdom and largest volume bicycle manufacturer in Britain by Andrew Ritchie in 1976. Models are named using a code containing two letters either side of a number to describe the handle bar type, number of gears and factory attached fixtures. An optional suffix is appended to show the inclusion of titanium upgrades. In Britain the clubs membership is changing, with 35-40% of Brompton customers now women. The average riders age has also dropped below 40. Its getting profit in uk . Brompton Bicycle is a  British  company that specialises in  folding bicycles, commonly known as Bromptons. Bromptons are popular among  bicycle commuters, especially in the UK, the  Netherlands, and  Japan. Fast and compact folding is seen as the Bromptons key competitive advantage. The Brompton design has remained fundamentally unchanged over three decades, although it has been steadily refined. The Brompton was conceived as a product that increases peoples  independence  and  freedom,  means peple can use this cycle wherever they can use. Approximately 22,000 bicycles are produced by the company each year of which 70 percent are exported to asia and Europe. The compact dimensions of most folding bikes allow easy transport in public transport where travelling with a normal bike can be difficult or forbidden. We can this cycle in different style handlebar like c type handlebar, m type handlebar, s type handlebar and p type handlebar. - PEST ANALYSIS OF BROMPTON BICYCLE: Political factor: The number of people cycling on Londons major roads has nearly doubled since 2000 and Transport for London (TfL) is targeting a 5% mode share for cycling by 2025. South West Trains, part of Stagecoach Group, has joined forces with Brompton Bicycle in a bid to encourage passengers to cycle as part of a fully integrated low carbon journey combining bike and train. Every one like this bikes because it is efficient to ride but can be quickly folded into a package smaller than an average suitcase, so people can take wherever they like. Economic factor: Though exports account for around 75 per cent of its output, it continues to manufacture all of its   bikes in the UK. Its getting profit here. Social factor: Brompton bike got a award, Mr Ritchie, who was awarded the prize that recognizes a lifetime contribution to design, has spent 21 years perfecting the Brompton, which is manufactured in Britain and sells around the world. At a reception celebrating 50 years of British design genius at Buckingham Palace. Technological factor: When transporting a Brompton Bicycle, for instance by Plane, Train, Car or boat it would be beneficial to have a protective case-like product that would protect from typical transit damage and be used to store the bike in any of its likely environments. There is a need for such a protective case to also double as a fully functional bike trailer that will attach to the rear of the bike and be used to transport light to moderate loads. - SWOT ANALYSIS OF BROMPTON BICYCLE: strength: Brompton bicycle is Generally  travel free  and without booking restrictions on rail, bus, underground, ferry or air services. Its that freedom to travel anywhere with your bike that gives folding bikes a magic quality. A folding bike can open up entirely new ways of travelling. Its have many colour with extra tall frame to fit tall riders. From 1976, Brompton was in business, although growth was infuriatingly slow. Today, the Brompton Bicycle Ltd turns out 100 precision-crafted bikes a day from its cosy, familial factory in Kew. It sells them in 27 international markets, as well as servicing the needs of the 200,000 passionately dedicated Brompton users already on the road. Bromptons have been ridden from  London  to  Cape Town  and around the  South Pole, but theyre at their most perfectly useful in an urban environment. Brompton is the last major manufacturer making bikes in London a true, two-wheeled, capital success story. It has succeeded, according to managing director Will Butler-Adams, by focusing on its roots. Brompton remains in London because the business is the staff and the staff are here. They make something fashionable. People like the Brompton because its fun and it fits into their lives. In London, the bike is moving from being an issue of personal choice to being a corporate and political city solution. On the corporate side, Brompton already leases a fleet of bikes to South West Trains at Waterloo, and Mr Butler-Adams has plans to provide package deals including bikes, training, storage and insurance to other companies. Bromptons nearby neighbour in west London. The British Design Council, which annually awards the prize for the respective designers lifetime achievement, argued that the foldable Brompton bike manufactured by the engineer in the UK and sold throughout the world won for its lightness, portability, smoothness of ride, and the sense of freedom it bestows. Brompton Bicycle should produce 25,000 bikes this year, achieving sales of  £7m-  £8m, and Ritchie expects it to grow 25% a year under the leadership of managing director Butler-Adams. Exports to markets such as the Netherlands, America, Germany, Japan and Scandinavia account for about 60% of its sales. weakness : All seat pillars are available in both steel and aluminium versions. With the standard seat pillar, the Brompton and Brooks saddles can be up to 995mm from the ground. If your inside leg is more than 33/84cm, you will almost certainly need either of the longer seat pillars; the telescopic pillar is suitable for an inside leg of more than 35/89cm, or for a taller rider wishing to minimise the height of the folded bike. So for the shorter people it can be difficult for ride. Its not adjustable as other bigger cycle.The merits and drawbacks of small and large wheels alike can be argued into the late hours. Opportunities: The Brompton is the only bike in the world to combine such ready portability with a first-class ride, and it creates countless new opportunities for using a bicycle. Malcolm Shepherd, Chief Executive of Sustrans said: Cycling England has  been a crucial conduit for funding which has touched the lives of millions of people by making it possible for people to cycle for everyday journeys. And Brompton bikes are suitable for the every journey. Here are so many bike company competitor for the Brompton bikes. Alldays Onions, Bickerton- folding bikes. Boardman bikes, british eagle, claud bulter, dawes, etc.. bicycles are here. Like Brompton bickerton is also a folding cycle. It can be a main competitor. The  Bickerton, also called the  Bickerton Portable, was a portable, aluminium  folding bicycle  designed by Harry Bickerton and manufactured in the UK between 1971 and 1991. The bicycle was entirely made of aluminium profiles. Its riding properties were poor, partly as the aluminium parts could never be properly locked in place. In its weight and folded package size it broke new ground  and it is cited by  Andrew Ritchie  as one of his inspirations in creating the highly successful  Brompton bicycle. So the Brompton is better than any cycle thats why70% Brompton bike are exporting to asia and Europe. Threats: The iconic UK folding bike maker Brompton is a curious company.   Though exports account for around 75 per cent of its output, it continues to manufacture all of its   bikes in the UK. Brompton bicycles many parts are custom made which may bring delays and extra costs for repairs from other than authorized dealers. The bike may be less suited to long rides as most models have restricted gears. Brompton manufacture the basic frame in one size only. Riders requiring a bottom bracket to saddle top height of more than 715mm/28 can select an extended seat post to give a maximum saddle height of 775mm/30.5 . There is also a telescopic seat post option which gives greater height still and does not compromise the size of the folded package, although it adds substantial weight. - Before doing any business first we have to do pest analysis in that country which is following PEST ANALYSIS OF BANGLADESH: Political environment Bangladesh is a densely populated and poor nation in South Asia. Bangladesh gained its independence in 1971, following Indias intervention in a rebellion against West Pakistan .In the years since independence, Bangladesh has established a reputation as a largely moderate and democratic majority Muslim country. The Bangladesh National Party and the Awami League traditionally have dominated Bangladeshi politics, with the AL in government since January 2009. Bangladesh was ruled by a military-backed caretaker government led by Fakhruddin Ahmed for approximately two years prior to the return to democracy that was ushered in by the December 2008 election. The current Hasina government came to power in free and fair elections with an overwhelming majority in parliament. Economic environment The  economy of  Bangladesh  is constituted by that of a  developing country.Its  per capita income  in 2008 was est. US$1,500. According to the  International Monetary Fund, Bangladesh ranked as the  48th largest economy  in the world in 2009, with a gross domestic product of US$256 billion. The economy has grown at the rate of 6-7% p.a. over the past few years. Most Bangladeshis earn their living from agriculture.  Although rice and jute are the primary crops, maize and vegetables are assuming greater importance Social environment Roughly 80% of its population lives on less than $2 a day. Its population is largely Muslim and its geography is dominated by its low-lying riparian aspect. There are many dialects of Bengali spoken throughout the region. The dialect spoken by those in  Chittagongand  Sylhet  are particularly distinctive. In 2009 the population was estimated at 156 million. Religiously, about 90% of Bangladeshis are  Muslims  and the remainder are mostly  Hindus. Technological environment The  Bangladesh  Space Research and Remote Sensing Organisation operates remote sensing facilities using both French and American satellites and applying meteorological and geographic data to such basic problems as water management, soil fertility, forecasting, and agricultural census work. In 1986 it became the first non-American organization ever to receive an award for excellence from the  United States  National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which provided training for Bangladeshi scientists and grants of equipment and technical assistance. The  Bangladesh  Atomic Energy Commission operates an experimental nuclear reactor and also conducts important agricultural research on seeds, parasites, storage of harvested crops, and irradiation. PEST ANALYSIS OF INDIA: Political environment After Indias independence on August 15, 1947, India received most of the subcontinents 562 widely scattered polities, or princely states, as well as the majority of the British provinces, and parts of three of the remaining provinces. Muslim Pakistan received the remainder. Pakistan consisted of a western wing, with the approximate boundaries of modern Pakistan, and an eastern wing, with the boundaries of present-day Bangladesh. India is a Sovereign, Secular, Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary form of Government. The Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November 1949 and came into force on 26th November 1950. India exported US$21.8 billion worth of merchandise to the United States in 2006, up 16.1% from 2005 and up 84.7% in just 4 years.Indian imports from the U.S. rose 26.3% to $10.1 billion in 2006, up 146% since 2002. Economic environment The  economy of India  is the  eleventh largest  economy in the world by  nominal GDP  and the  fourth largest  by  purchasing power parity. Following strong economic reforms from the socialist inspired  economy  of a post-independence Indian nation, the country began to develop a fast-paced economic growth, as  free market  principles were initiated in 1990 for international competition and foreign investmenIndias  per capita income  is $1,030, ranked  139th  in the world,  while its per capita (PPP) of US$2,940 is ranked  128th. Indias large service industry accounts for 55% of the countrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while the industrial and agricultural sector contribute 28% and 17% respectively. Social environment Current Population of India in 2010 is around 1,150,000,000 (1.15 billion) people. Hinduism  accounted for 80.5% of the  population of India.  Islam  (13.5%),  Christianity  (3.0%) and  Sikhism  (2.3%) are the other major religions followed by the people of India. There are 29 language in india. Technological environment The Indian  software industry has grown from a mere US $ 150 million in 1991-92 to a staggering US $ 5.7 billion in 1999-2000.  Ã‚  No other Indian industry has performed so well against the global competition .The annual growth rate of Indias software exports has been consistently over 50 percent since 1991.   Indias software exports would be around $ 6.3 billion, in addition to $ 2.5 billion in domestic sale. - PEST ANALYSIS OF NEPAL With thousands of readers from over fifty countries visiting the Nepal Home Page every week, it is an excellent platform to promote your Nepal related businesses. political environment An isolated, agrarian society until the mid-20th century,  Nepal  entered the modern era in 1951 without schools, hospitals, roads, telecommunications, electric power, industry, or civil service. Import and export  is encouraged by the government in order to promote good business and encourage growth which will hopefully result in a higher employment rate, higher salaries and a better standard of living for all in time The export-oriented carpet and garment industries have grown rapidly in recent years and together now account for approximately 70% of merchandise exports. Nepals merchandise trade balance has improved somewhat since 2000 with the growth of the carpet and garment industries. Economic environment Agriculture  remains Nepals principal economic activity, employing 80% of the population and providing 37% of  GDP. Only about 20% of the total area is cultivable; another 33% is forested; most of the rest is mountainous. Rice and wheat are the main food crops. The lowland Terai region produces an agricultural surplus, part of which supplies the food-deficient hill areas. Social environment Nepals current population is 28,563,377. According to the 2001 census, 80.6 percent of Nepalese are Hindu, 10.7 percent are  Buddhist, 4.4% are  Muslim[1], 3.6 percent are  Kirat  (an indigenous religion with Hindu influence), 0.5 percent are  Christian, and 0.4 percent are classified as other groups such as  Bà ¶n  religion. Technological environment Nepal has been a late starter in modem science and technology. In pursuance of self- reliance, it developed technological capabilities in some specific areas such as agriculture, civil engineering, architecture, metallurgy, water management, medicine, textile and paper manufacture, dyeing and food technology. by ( PESTEL ANALYSIS IN SRI LANKA POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT Socialistic predilection in Sri Lanka was unswerving, but as time passed by it gave room for investment overseas in 1978. Board of Investment operates as a sovereign legal bureau with investment in foreign countries as a focus. BOI is authorized to yield grants to organizations that meet the basic eligibility standards on minimal investment, employment and exports. When the organization fails to meet the standards then its projects have to be sanctioned by the respective departments of the government. BOI also deals with the 10 zones of free trade, which is known as the export-processing zones. BOI possess the authorization to relieve any confinements on the FDI Eleven huge privatizations were accounted for 34% of the FDI. Nevertheless due to the instable political conditions and conflicting ethnicity the advancement on this issue is been decelerate for years. The president sketched out regarding anti-privatization economical scheme in his electoral pronunciamento known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Mahinda Chintanaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸. Various enterprises of the state which designing itself to be privatized were not approved, this includes the airports and banks. Privatize. Organization was planned to be regulated by the government which will turn the loss into a profit-making organization. ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Sound rates of growth has been steady in Sri Lanka despite if its intense violence on ethnicity. Rich private demand of requirements, core industrialization, primarily the intensive labour textile industry and the advancement of domestic tea manufacturing hiked the growth rate of the economy. The well-disposed FDI policy of the government ensued the zooming inflows of capital. The deceleration in the global issues activated an acute condensation in the activities of the economy in the year 2001. Subsequently there was a recuperation in the sectors of the industries that is impelled by a firm external demand and an increased growth rates in the sectors relating to service resulted in a sizeable enlargement of economical activities though the tsunami that hit the sectors of agriculture was critically damaged. Deficits in the fiscal aspects are an important issue to the government, which has been diminishing in the years past. The current fiscal obligates to cut back deficits. There are many industries that imparts in great value to the GDP that engages greater population of the manpower, this comprises of the industry in tourism, and the service industries. When taking industries into consideration, it is the textile industry that yields greater sum of revenues in export. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Sri Lanka holds a populace of 20,238,000, of which Sinhalese constitutes about 74%, Sri Lankan Moors constitutes about 7.2%, Sri Lankan Tamils constitutes about 3.9% and the Indian Tamils constitutes about 4.6%. When religions are taken into consideration the Buddhists comprise a major share of 69.1%. Sri Lanka is prominently a rustic area that holds 79% of the population. The populace medial age is 30 and 7.8% constitute for an age group of 65 and over. The health index of Sri Lanka is fairly good when compared to other countries in Asia. The government has an expenditure of 46.3% from the 4% of the aggregate GDP for medical expenses of the country. The expected life span is 73.4yrs of the aggregate populace. TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT The telecom sphere was improved to an incredible extent in terms of liberalizing right in the 90à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s. Act of Sri Lankan Telecommunication of 1991 founded the Sri Lanka telecom also known as the SLT, it awarded the permit to function in the global system. - After analyzing the market we have found out that there is huge market opportunity in Sri Lanka to sell folding bikes. Due to low price there are more chances that Brompton folding bikes can become the market leader successfully after some time because of many reasons such as low cost, already operation exist in Sri Lanka and due to climate condition. If we talk about local competition, it is very less. The local players get the help by the government also where the government has distributed a project to provide good cycle facility supply to those households. Im a manager of this product and i want to make profit thats why Im going to launch this product in south asia. I will launch this product in sri lanka and will export in 3 other countries, they are Bangladesh, india and Nepal. It will be better to launch this product in south asia because there labour cost will be low and we can sell this cycles in low cost. Brompton bicycles cost in uk is  £600 and over. Here, labour cost is expensive than south asia so we cant export from here. In south asia there is a scope for this product. There is a great number of people who are using bicycle but they arent like Brompton they cant fold, they are difficult for their journey. so it will be a new kind of cycle in south asia. I can make a profit. It will be cheaper so most of the people will buy it. I can make a market over there. Here are different types to entering new market they are: Export Joint venture FDI Strategic alliances Among these methods im going to use joint venture method because it will be better for my profit if i will export from here it will cost expensive. First i will go sri lanka and will talk in srilankan embassy, i will choose one cycle company as my partner over there and i will do good business over there and will make profit. 4PS ABOUT THE PRODUCT: Product: my product is folding bicycle. Price: labour cost will be low so per cycle it will cost  £90. Place: i will open my company in Colombo kingdom of sri lanka because there i can gget more facility than other place. Promotion: The literacy rate is 92% in Sri Lanka which is considered as a good rate. To sell the Brompton folding bikes every company more emphasizes on direct marketing such as event or trade show and personal selling. We will give this news first all over in sri lanka later 3 other countries by tv news and international news paper. MARKETING PLAN: Our product have made plan for Brompton folding bicycle for next five yrs. To increase our sale and profit we will spend half of our advertisement budget on personal selling because by this only we can aware consumers about our products and persuade consumers to buy the products. PRODUCTION CAPACITY: During the first year, product will be imported to Sri Lanka And later the demand of the product goes 3 other countries to have a manufacturing Unit can also be considered. This will result in better pricing of the product will result in more sales and Profits. BUDGET: Selling expenses: Staff salaries, Sales support and distribution staff expenses are included. The total expenditure is  £ 1210000.00 Sales and advertisement: For radio advertisement = £5000 Newspaper/magazine = £6000 Tv ad = £25000 Sales promotion = £250000 including customer awareness program Customer oriented = £200000 Trade oriented = £750000 Support line = £600000

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Physics of Light Propulsion :: Physics Science Technology Essays

The Physics of Light Propulsion Imagine a mode of transportation which allows a craft to ride upon a beam of light. This craft uses virtually no fuel, simply the air around us. The uses for such a craft would be endless, launching small satellites into orbit and in the future launching vessels much like today’s shuttles. This idea is no longer a product of science fiction but rather a reality. It is all made possible by the physics which controls everything in our everyday lives. There are two main components to this light propelled craft. The light source is a precision high-powered laser beam. The craft is a large, highly polished parabolic mirror that is designed to capture the laser beam. With the laser in a fixed position on the ground the mirror focuses the beam, rapidly heating the air, creating a wave of heated air out the back. This forces the vehicle in the opposite direction. As the beam is rapidly pulsed, the vehicle is continuously propelled forward. The laser pointer which many people now carry around on key chains was not thought as such a trivial toy or gadget ten years ago. The laser technology itself is a very complicated endeavor. The simple circuitry has evolved from years of work to make the theory behind the amplification of light possible. Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation or LASER, is best understood by beginning at the atomic level where the basis of an atom and its energy levels can be identified. In even the most basic chemistry class the atomic structure is one of the first lessons which is taught. The circular shells of an atom are placed around the nucleus with the electrons placed on these levels. Two in the first layer, eight in the next continuing on to the appropriate number. These shells are formed because electrons are limited to a series of fixed values, this is an example of quantization1. The law of conservation of energy is applied in that an electron may fall to a lower shell, but in doing this it must give up an amount of energy equal to the difference between the two levels. This energy is given up as light. Light is also considered to be quantized. It can be represented as groups of photons. Each photon carries one quantum of light energy. The amount of energy in a quantum depends on the wavelength of the light or the frequency.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Radio B92: Unbiased Civil War Coverage by Serbia’s Own :: Free Essays Online

Radio B92: Unbiased Civil War Coverage by Serbia’s Own Fair and impartial reporting of the Balkan wars in the 1990s was a difficult and lone venture. Almost all of the international media had their own biases due to their countries’ part in the war (through NATO or their proximity to the conflict), their acceptance of parts of Serbian government propaganda, or simply their overly exaggerated partialities against the Serbians because of a common belief that all Serbians were entirely responsible for the war. It is also widely accepted that Bosnia and Serbia’s media, if not influenced or controlled by the government and Milosevic, struggled greatly to remain independent – if that. So, throughout the conflict in the 1990's, Radio B92 was the only independent audio news source. It served as the principal alternative to the government controlled media, especially for the former Yugoslavia, but also to the biased international press. According to Jasminka Udovicki and James Ridgeway, the editors of a book about the fall of Yugoslavia titled Burn This House: The Making and Unmaking of Yugoslavia: It took almost a century, from the emergence of the South Slavic unification movement in the early nineteenth century to the end of World War I, to create Yugoslavia. It took only a few years to destroy it [. . .] Visions of national liberation and modernization brought the South Slavs [. . .] together at last in 1919. Seventy years later, a retrograde, mythical, antimodern vision tore them apart (11). The fall of Yugoslavia was brought about by brutal military force, but the energy needed to utterly dismantle the country was supplied by the political ethno-kitsch (1). An idea emerging here, one expressed by many, is that Yugoslavia may have been alright, or at least far better off and not torn apart if it were not for Milosevic’s means of gaining political power. While these factions did have their differences, they had coexisted for thousands of years before WWI and Tito, the former leader, was able to keep them together. This idea of â€Å"ethno-kitsch† began around 1987, and involved a sort of new taste for an almost vulgar fascination with Serbian nationalism. According to Udovicki and Ridgweway, it, â€Å"was everywhere in Serbia.† At the root of this â€Å"ethno-kitsch† in the late 1980s was a progressively growing perception that Serbian people had been wronged and were hated – completely undeservedly – by other ethnic groups in Yugoslavia.

Loneliness=craziness In Robins :: essays research papers

Throughout Daniel Defoe’s, Robinson Crusoe one may see the effects of solitude on the development and life of the main character. When Robinson Crusoe becomes stranded on a desolate island, he must do whatever is necessary to survive. After being on the island for several years Crusoe learns to adapt to his surroundings and live with what he has. One thing he does not have for most of his stay there is a companion, another person to talk to, someone to share his thoughts with and help him out. To fulfill his desires of wanting company, Crusoe decides to let God become his companion. He starts to read the Bible and learn Christianity. Defoe seems to be a very strong believer in God. He believes that God’s providence shapes the lives of all men and that any unusual circumstances or misfortunes that occur happen because that is the way God wanted it. Throughout the novel one can see other instances of divine intervention in Crusoe’s life. Even though Robinson Crusoe is under impractical circumstances, stranded on this remote island, his isolation enables him to learn numerous things and become a devote Christian. He learns how to become an architect, a carpenter, a baker, a tailor, a farmer, an umbrella maker, and even a preacher. Crusoe becomes a very independent and resourceful individual as the novel progresses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the 17th century, the Catholic reform was sweeping through many parts of Europe. The period from 1600 to about 1750 is known as the Baroque Era. Throughout this period the Catholic Church was fighting back against the effects of the Renaissance. The people of the Renaissance society started to question their beliefs in the church and tried to rationally explain the world around them. Several crusades were fought throughout this period and in the end England and France became â€Å"Christianized.† Robinson Crusoe was published during the Baroque Era and it contained a great amount of Catholicism. Crusoe becomes a good Christian during his lonely stay on the deserted island and he also converts his companion Friday when he arrives on the island from cannibalism to Christianity. Crusoe believes that God put him on the island because that was his fate and that he must be happy with what God has chosen for him. This is the reason why Crusoe looks at the posit ive side of all things. Crusoe has been placed on this barren island as a punishment for his sins (disobeying his father) and for leaving his middle station of life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Stat 250 Review

Final Exam Review Part VI Definitions and Terms: Know the major definitions and terms for example 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Population Sample Descriptive Statistic Inferential Statistics Parameter vs Statistics Variable a. Categorical Statistic estimates Parameter b. Quantitative estimates , sample mean , population i. Discrete mean s, sample standard estimates , population ii. Continuous deviation standard deviation Random Variable estimates P, population ? p , sample Sampling Distributions proportion proportionParameter (Defines a population) Statistic (calculated from sample to estimate a parameter) Central Limit Theorem Law of Large Numbers Confidence Level (1- )*100 Type I error (rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact it is true) Type II error (not rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact the null is not true) What is true What you did Do not Reject H0 Reject H0 H0 true No Error Type I error Ha True Type II Error No Error 15. Level of Significance (The probability of making a Type I error) 16. Interpretation of a confidence interval 17. P-value a.The probability of making a type I error based on your sample b. The probability, computed supposing the H0 to be true, that the test statistic will take a value at least as extreme as that actually observed. 18. Interpretation of a test of significance (hypothesis test) Types of Problems 1. Reading and interpreting graphs (make sure you read the labels so you know units and whether the graph is frequency (counts) or relative frequency (percents, ratios, probabilities). 2. Calculating Measures of Center a. Mean b. Median 3. Calculating Measures of Spread a. Range b.You will not have to calculate the standard deviation, but you must understand what the standard deviation is – the average distance each data value is from the mean. c. Interquartile Range (Q3 – Q1) i. 1st quartile ii. 2nd quartile (median) iii. 3rd quartile 4. Shape of distributions 5. Shape of distributions an d effects on Mean and Median 6. Effects of outlier and skewed distribution a. Non-resistant measures of Center and Spread: mean and standard deviation b. Resistant measures of Center and Spread: median and interquartile range 7. Boxplot and 5 number summary: Min, Q1, Q2, Q3, Max 8.Binomial Distribution a. Calculating the mean , =np np(1 p) b. Calculating the standard deviation, c. Finding probabilities using the CDF output from MINITAB 9. Calculating Probabilities for a Normal distribution (Knowing how to use Table A, the standard normal distribution) a. Standardizing any normal random variable i. z x b. Unstandardizing any normal random variable i. x z 10. Sampling distributions a. Sampling distribution of the sample mean – samples of size n i. Mean, x= (can be calculated even if we do not know the shape of the distribution) ii. Standard deviation, x n the shape of the distribution) can be calculated even if we do not know iii. Shape of sampling distribution 1. If population the sample came from is normal, all sampling distributions of any size are normal 2. If the shape of the population is unknown or is NOT normal, then the sampling distribution of the sample mean is normal only if the sample size is 30 or more by the Central Limit Theorem (The shape of the sampling distribution becomes approximately Normal if the sample size is large enough. In our class a sample of size 30 or more is â€Å"large enough† to assume the sampling distribution is approximately Normally distributed. iv.Knowing how to compute probabilities based on the sampling distribution of the sample mean when applicable. v. Inferential Techniques based on sampling distribution when conditions are met (SRS and Normality) 1. Estimation – Confidence Intervals : statistic margin of error (margin of error = critical value * standard error) a. known: i. X z /2 * n ii. Sample size: We can determine the sample size needed so that a specific margin of error is observed at a spec ified confidence level: n b. z unknown: X * m 2 /2 t / 2,df * s n 2. Significance Tests (Hypothesis Tests) a. nown: test statistic, z0 X 0 n b. unknown: test statistic, t0 X s 0 n b. Sampling distribution of the sample proportions – samples of size n i. Mean, p (can be calculated even if we do not know the shape of the ? p distribution) ii. Standard deviation, p(1 P) (can be calculated even if we do not n ? p know the shape of the distribution iii. Shape of sampling distribution of the sample proportions becomes approximately normal if (our book states: np? 10 and n(1-p)? 10, that is the sample successes and failures must be 10 or more. ) np(1-p)? 10 , which is conservative. iv.Inferential Techniques based on sampling distribution when conditions are met (SRS and Normality) 1. Estimation – Confidence Intervals : statistic margin of error (margin of error = critical value * standard error) a. ? pz /2 * ? ? p (1 p ) n i. Sample size: We can determine the sample size need ed so that a specific margin of error is observed at a specified confidence level: n p(1 p) z /2 m 2 If a prior estimate for p is known, use it. If a prior estimate is not know, use p = 0. 5 2. Significance Tests (Hypothesis Tests) a. known: test statistic, z0 ? p p0 p0 (1 p0 ) n 11.Inferential techniques for 2 sample problems (means and proportions – on PowerPoint that is coming next) which are also based on Sampling distribution when conditions are met. a. You will be given the value of the standard error for two sample problems (two sample means dependent, you will be given the standard deviation of the differences, but you will have to calculate the standard error s .) n b. You will have to calculate the pooled proportion for the two sample proportions ? problems: p x1 x2 n1 n2 c. You will have to calculate confidence intervals and do tests of significance (hypothesis tests) 2. Goodness of fit test Best Way to Study 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go over Test 1 and Test 2 Go over all qui zzes since Test 2 Go over all your quizzes Go over Post-Tests Go over Homework What you need for the final 1. 2. 3. 4. Pencil and eraser Calculator Table A and Table C Formula Sheet: you have two choices. You must choose either A or B a. HAND WRITTEN formula sheet – no copies. Must be the original. On an 8X11 sheet of paper, front and back, you can write whatever you wish. Hand written!!! b. Pristine, no writing on it, copy of the formula sheet on Blackboard. Scantron will be provided.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The hydraulic energy

IntroductionThe potency of utilizing a KERS on a bike to hive away hydraulic energy can be achieved utilizing a device such as a hydraulic collector. In a hydraulic collector the possible energy is stored in the signifier of a tight gas or spring, which is used to exercise a force against a comparatively incompressible fluid. Collectors store energy when the hydraulic system force per unit area is greater than the collector force per unit area and releases hydraulic energy in the opposite instance. By hive awaying and supplying hydraulic energy, collectors can be used as a primary power beginning for a KERS. Collectors are of course dynamic devices ; intending they function when constellation alterations, for illustration, valves opening and shutting. Collectors respond quickly to constellation alterations, and about outright for gas collectors. They are normally used in concurrence with a pump/motor in a hydraulic circuit. A hydraulic system using an collector can utilize a smaller fluid pump since the collector shops energy from the pump during low demand periods. The pump does n't necessitate to be so big to get by with extremes of demand, therefore the supply circuit can react more rapidly to any impermanent demand and to smooth pulsings. There are four types of collector: vesica, stop vesica, Piston ( spring or gas controlled ) , and metal bellows. Depending on the application, the pick of most suited is based on the needed velocity of collector response, weight, dependability and cost. Compressed gas collectors are the most normally used type since they by and large have the faster dynamic response and are most dependable. Collectors with seals will by and large hold the lowest dependability as there is the possible for leaks. Pressurised gas collectors take advantage of the fact, that the gas is compressible. The possible to hive away energy and the affect of the collector is dictated by its overall volume and pre-charge of the gas. The pre-charge is the force per unit area of the gas in the collector when there is no hydraulic fluid within the collector. Too high of a pre-charge force per unit area, reduces the fluid volume capacity, and limits the maximal sum of hydraulic energy that will be available to the system. A gas collector has a gas pre-charge, which is less than the nominal hydraulic system force per unit area. When hydraulic fluid enters the collector, the gas is compressed to the nominal system force per unit area, which is in an equilibrium place and corresponds to the maximal sum of energy that can be stored. As system hydraulic force per unit area beads, the gas will spread out coercing hydraulic fluid back into the system. Most gas collectors are bladder type, made up of a vas divided into two volumes, by a flexible membrane. Within the vesica, N is stored under high force per unit area, which is an efficient and safe medium since the ability of gas to hive away energy additions exponentially as force per unit area rises and because of its inert belongingss. As fluid from the hydraulic circuit, enters the vas ( under system force per unit area ) and impinges against the vesica, the gas is compressed leting energy to be stored. The release of energy when required is achieved via conventional valve agreement.Use of hydraulic KERS commerciallyThere are, a figure of emerging systems that allow the operators of vehicles to cut down both fuel ingestion and unwanted emanations, specifically to vehicles that are capable to changeless stop-start operations, like for illustration coachs, decline aggregation vehicles ( RCV ) . Changeless stop-start operations, such as braking in big vehicles, produce considerable kinetic energy, which is wasted as heat. Capturing this energy utilizing conventional hydraulic engineering enables it to be stored and so returned to the vehicle systems. The possible utilizations are non merely limited to help subsequent acceleration ( cut downing the energy required from the engine ) , but can potentially power accessory equipment. For illustration, RCVs can utilize stored energy to drive the hydraulic garbage compacting and packing mechanisms. This enables a important decrease of engine velocities and runing noise [ 10 ] .Hydraulic Power Train TechnologyHybrid hydraulic power-train engineering usually incorporates a hydraulic system runing analogue to the IC engine to portion the undertaking of powering the vehicle. Although other agreements are possible ( in series ) , the simplest is where the conventional vehicle transmittal and driveline constituents are replaced by a hydr o-mechanical transmittal, a system that works likewise to a hydrostatic CVT. In which the end product shaft from the vehicle ‘s engine is used to drive a hydraulic pump that in bend supplies pressure to hydrostatic motors ; these are so connected via a pitching mechanism to the vehicle power-train to drive the wheels [ 10 ] . These motors so, under braking, act as pumps to bear down collectors, where energy is stored before being released back to the power-train, conveying torsion to the driveshaft and impeling the vehicle. Fig depicts the capturing and releasing of energy in a hydraulic circuit.Examples of Commercial Hydraulic KERSThere are two commercial merchandises of hydraulic intercrossed KERS on today ‘s market and both are implemented on bringing vehicles and decline truck applications. These are Parker Energy Recovery System [ 6 ] , and Eaton Hydraulic Launch Assistâ„ ¢ ( HLA ® ) [ 7 ] .Prototype testing proposes typically regenerative braking capableness c aptures about 70 % of the KE produced during braking, minimising the burden on the engine, and assisting to cut down fuel ingestion [ 9 ] . The hydrostatic motors, when moving as pumps during vehicle braking, besides help to decelerate the vehicle down by bring oning retarding force on the revolving drive-train ; a characteristic that helps to cut down brake wear [ 9 ] by more than 50 % [ 8 ] . Generally these systems operate at a maximal force per unit area of 5,000 PSI [ 9 ] . The intercrossed engineerings are controlled by specialised systems that are activated upon braking. The controls prevent service brake application until merely before a complete halt. They besides monitor if the energy stored in the collector falls below a preset degree, upon which the vehicle engine can be used to supply auxiliary power. However, on vehicles with frequent stop-start rhythms, this is rarely required as even soft braking is sufficient to keep the stored energy at high degrees. The HLA ® has two manners of operation, â€Å" Economy Mode † and â€Å" Performance Mode † . When the operating in â€Å" Economy Mode † , the energy stored in the collector during braking is used entirely to ab initio speed up the vehicle. Once the collector has emptied, the engine will get down to execute the acceleration. This procedure consequences in increased fuel economic system of 30 % and provides increased acceleration of 2 % [ 7 ] . Economy manner allows for upper limit fuel nest eggs & A ; maximal exhaust emanation decreases of 20 % to 30 % [ 7 ] . In Performance Mode, acceleration is created by both the energy stored in the collector and the engine. Once the collector has emptied, the engine is wholly responsible for acceleration.While a 17 % addition in fuel economic system is possible, the greatest benefit is an increased acceleration of 26 % [ 7 ] . The benefits of intercrossed solution are legion ; reduced emanations, increased brake life, and better fuel economic system. The engineering besides allows the possibility to cut down the size of the vehicle engine as this can be sized for extremum velocities, instead than for low-end torsion.Application of Hydraulic KERS to a BicycleA squad of technology pupils from the University of Michigan [ 1 ] undertook a undertaking to utilize a hydro-pneumatic regenerative braking system on a bike. It was a renovation of a heavier old effort to do a working paradigm to suit within a 29 † forepart wheel ( fig ) . They use a 0.5 liter collector and believed this to be sufficient in hive awaying the needed energy at a maximal on the job system force per unit area of 5000psi. It ‘s weighed an impractical 13kg about every bit much as a motorcycle and is its major drawback, its weight can be accounted for by its separate high and low collectors, separate hydraulic pump and motor and it s comparatively big mounting bracket.CalculationsThey failed to prove and therefore supply conclusive consequences for the public presentation features of their paradigm, but alternatively prescribed its cardinal public presentation parametric quantities via theoretical computations. In the same manner and based on the same computations the undermentioned subdivision outlines the public presentation of a hydro-pneumatic KERS.Storage CapacityFirst for a hydraulic system to be implemented the storage of fluid must be addressed, the capacity must be determined and force per unit areas needed to hive away the kinetic energy. The combined mass of bicycler and bike ( 90kg ) braking from 32km/h ( 20mph ) has 2880kJ of kinetic energy. Parker [ 5 ] ( industry of collector and motors ) rates the ACP series collectors at max force per unit area 5000psi, if presuming ideal gas jurisprudence:BrakingA hydraulic KERS must utilize a hydraulic motor to supply plenty torsion to run the bike every bit good as supplying adequate resistive torsion to be an effectual brake. If the bike going at 32km/h ( 20mph ) on 0.66m ( 26inch ) diameter wheels, which spins the motor at 4632rpm through the 18:1 gear ratio of the pump cogwheel train, so this corresponds to 4.52Nm of torsion at 3000psi ( fig ) . This translates to a braking torsion of about 81.36Nm applied to the chief cogwheel due to the 18:1 cogwheel ratio.EstablishingOn release of force per unit area, a to the full charged 5000psi collector generates 7.57Nm of torsions ( fig ) . The 14:1 gear ratio of the motor gear train applies a 105 Nm torsion to the chief bike bunch cogwheel. 7.57Nm corresponds to around 800rpm from motors torque rpm curve ( fig ) , which turns the chief cogwheel at around 57rpm due to the 14:1 cogwheel ratio. This is an initial velocity of 8km/h ( 5mph ) which will increase as force per unit area is expended.AdvantagesIn many applications, particularly those where high power densenesss are required, hydro-p neumatic systems offer a more efficient option to system driven by electric motors. The engineering can be used to capture and reassign high degrees of energy highly rapidly compared with likewise sized electric systems, which by and large require long periods over which batteries have to be charged. They are besides likely to hold a longer runing life than battery-powered systems.DisadvantagesThe chief disadvantage of a hydro-pneumatic KERS would be its weight, which is attributed to by weight of hydraulic fluid, collector stuff ( steel ) , and the fact that in application it would be necessary to hold separate high and low force per unit area collectors. Equally good as potentially necessitating separate hydraulic pump and motor. In hydro-pneumatic systems when the gas is non charged by the hydraulic fluid and therefore non hive awaying energy, the fluid can be considered dead weight. If implemented on a bike to be used as a KERS, this would be counterproductive. Last hydro-pneumatic systems are limited where consistent degrees of power are required for drawn-out periods at near changeless velocities, such as long-distance cruising.DecisionThe major consideration when utilizing hydro-pneumatic collector for hive awaying the energy whilst braking, is of class the loss of pressurized gas in a certain collector. It is a failure critical to safety when it plays such an of import function as braking. It is evident the hydraulic collector needed for a KERS, does non hold an overly big capacity ( pre-charged to 3200psi ) , in order to let go of adequate energy to impel a motorcycle to 32km/h ( 20mph ) . Furthermore, a hydraulic motor can bring forth 81.36Nm braking torsion which makes it an effectual brake. However based on the weight of the paradigm ( 13kg ) from the University of Michigan, it is impractical to utilize a hydro-pneumatic engineering, as it stands presently, for a bike KERS.